Chapter seventeen

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"Mommy, please" Azeezat yelled as the first three strokes of Cain hit her skin. She stood up and ran away from her mom. "Mommy, I can explain"

There was a bang on the door but either she or her mom paid any attention to it. "You won't kill me, I didn't kill my mother or your father. I won't let you let all our efforts go to waste"

She screamed and the bang got louder but she didn't care.
Her mother had caught up with her and held her by her shirt when the door flew open. The door separated from one of its hinges.

"What is all this nonsense?" Her mother yelled as Three men in Black suit stepped into their house unwelcomed.
They made way for Marcella to step into the house. The cain Azeezat's mom had been holding dropped to the floor as she let go of Azeezat .

"What is all this! Who are you people?" She yelled at them from across the living room. Marcella stared at them unmoving by her words.
Some tenants had started to gather in the hallway.

"I don't think you will know who I am but I bet you know who my uncle is, Tobi Talabi and it's a crime to hit a child in the state that he governs." She said firmly.

She had watched as the woman had readdressed the situation. She had taken a look at Azeezat as she cried before taking a seat that she wasn't offered. Uncle Ted stood beside her while the other guards made sure no one came into the flat. She looked around and wondered what it was like to live in such a tiny space. She had only heard about it whenever her mom talked to her about her life before marrying her father and she always sounded satisfied.

She had been surprised by the environment they had drove into when she stepped out of the car and She adjusted the pleat of her uniform skirt. It was foreign to her. It was something she only saw on social media documentaries and here she was witnessing it for herself. The different songs that blasted out from different directions, the shops and the people going about their day as well as the children that walked or played on the street without supervision.

She let Mide do all the talk and questioning in the search for Azeezat's flat. She looked at the building and wondered what Makayla would do with the truth if she found out.
They had walked up the dark stairway unventilated together as one of the other two Guards turned on the flashlight of their phones as they made their way up.

"Ehhh" the woman had tried to say to break the silence.
"I do not mean to be rude or take offense but I had given her every item she brought home without she requesting for them. I had given her as a gift"

"Gift. How do you give out a dress with labels on them that worth 100 thousand naira and above. Hanhan" the woman said, every word said with a purposeful hint of skepticism. She looked at Uncle Teddy then at Her again "Do you kids think I was born yesterday. Don't you have any home training or don't you realize that you are talking to an adult"

Mide had knelt beside Azeezat where she cried.

"I was trying to explain and you didn't even let me talk" Azeezat said between sobs.

"If I slap you" the woman yelled towards Azeezat

"where are your parents?. Children of now adays Abi what is all these display. Leave my house please " the woman said as she stood up pointing at the door the guards had put back in place. "Telling me rubbish about the Governor"

Marcella didn't move or say anything. She tried to grab Marcella and Uncle Ted held her hand.
"Didn't you give your mom the note?" Marcella asked Azeezat unconcerned by Uncle Ted had stopped from happening

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