Chapter Seven

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    "8pm sharp on Saturday evening, you know where I live" Makayla said as she handed out a flyer to a guy Azeezat now knew as Lucas, the son and heir to the Conda oil and Gas company in Nigeria.

Azeezat stood by her locker watching as she handed the flyers out from one person to another. A girl who Azeezat couldn't recall her name stretched her hand to collect a flyer from MaKayla, her act was received with a look of disgust from Makayla.

" I can't believe you would even imagine that I would invite you to my house, I wouldn't even invite you to clean my house". The girl was wealthy but not to the standard Makayla associated herself with. She watched MaKayla shake her head from side to side as if to erase the thought from her mind. She started to head towards her.

Azeezat pushed herself  into her locker, silently hoping she wasn't really coming to her. A bang on the door of her locker proved otherwise. "Hey, take this" she said before walking away

"But" Azeezat tried to mutter

"Do not make me search for you" she yelled as she walked away.

"She has something evil up her sleeve" Mide said from behind her which made her jump.

"You scared me" Azeezat said as she closed her locker
"Oh I didn't mean to" she said hysterically as she waved one of the flyers in her face "change of plans"

   "I am scared. Why would she invite me" Azeezat said, worried.

"She like everyone else thinks you must be related to Marcella and the Olateru family. Even if she wants to have her fun with you she wouldn't do it knowing your relationship with Marcella" Mide said as she leaned on the locker beside her.

"But I am not related to Marcella, what will happen if she finds out" Azeezat said. She could no longer hide her fear or worry. She was scared of Makayla.

       Through out the rest of the week all the students could talk about was Makaylas party.

 During lunch and Gym classes Azeezat found herself looking at Marcella the whole week. She had been plotting on a way to save herself and it involved her.

"Tell me about the Olateru Family" She said to Mide when they strolled into the class on Thursday morning.

Mide took her hand and dragged her to the back of the class.

"There's only been one Olateru to attend this school. Or at least the only one that mattered. And that's her aunty. Look" she said as she pointed at the name printed in Gold behind Marcella's seat.

Ola Olateru.

"I have always wondered what the names meant" Azeezat said Cluelessly. She had seen the different lists of names behind the chair of every student in the class and had wondered what they meant.

"It's just how you know how deep rooted ones family is. See everyone has their family names on their seats" she said as they looked around the class.

The only three people whose's seats had no name were hers, Michelle's and Ethan's. "She could have used her father's chair but she chose her aunty's, which is good for you because now everyone will think you don't have a seat because of her"

"That's not enough" Azeezat said as she stared away, looking at no where in particular#

"What do you mean" Mide said.

On the first Friday of her attending Islanders High, during lunch she made the decision that made her doubt her sanity. If she was going to lie, she could as well do it properly, to last long enough.

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