Chapter Ten

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   The car drove them through a long driveway till the house came into view a white painted three story mansion. Body guards and uniformed staffs could be seen doing one thing or the other as the car drove by.

       The car pulled up to the front of the house and a security guard in a black suit rushed over and two uniformed female staffs stepped out of the main door. The security guard opened the door to the car and Marcella stepped out.

 "Welcome ma'am"  he said as Marcella stepped out and walked past him, completely disregarding his greeting. Mide who sat in the front sit was helped out by another guard. 

Azeezat came out last before the driver drove the car away. She stood there staring in admiration at the biggest house she had ever seen.  The windows were large and it had four pillars in front of the house from top to bottom.

       There was a large fountain in the middle of the drive way and the property could  not be any larger.

"Are you coming?" Marcella said turning to look at her under the chandelier on the front porch.

 She wore a blue jeans  and a white T-shirt that had an inscription on it. It had the words poor, rich and wealthy on it in black. The first two words were cancelled out.

    "Oh sorry" Azeezat said before proceeding to join them.

   "I love her shirt. It's from her clothing line" Mide said excitedly when she got to her. "I already ordered mine"

     She walked into the house that had incredibly large ceilings. The foyer was large, bigger than the size of her sitting room at home.

    A pregnant woman walked into the foyer holding a boy.

"Mommy, Marcella is home" the boy said before leaving his mothers hand and rushing over to Marcella. She dropped to her kneels giggling as he ran into her arms. That was the first time Azeezat has seen her honestly smile and she looked more beautiful. She stood up and kissed her mom on her cheeks.

     "Good afternoon ma" Azeezat and Mide chorused

"Hi girls, how are you?" she said with a beautiful smile.

"fine, thank you" they chorused again

"Welcome to our home" she said with a little excitement. "This is the first time my daughter is bringing friends home"

       "Mom, Azeezat and Mide" she said calmly and firmly like the Marcella she knew. "They are not my friends. Azeezat and Mide, My mom Dara Adegeshin"

       Mrs Adegeshin smiled softly to them a little embarrassed by her daughter. She wore a kaftan that had rhinestones on them. "Marcel come now, lets give your sister some privacy with her friends"

     "They are not my friends" she said loudly

"I bet they are not" she said to her daughter with a smile before smiling and winking at Mide and Azeezat.

"Marcel" She said again, calling out to the little boy who was now hiding behind his sister

"Moommm" He said lazily as he came out from his hiding place and took his mothers hand.

"Your father is going to be home any minute. Come tell me how it went with Grandfather when your friends leave" she said sweetly as she rubbed against the side of her baby bump.

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