chapter Forty Four

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"Do you Laila Talabi take Andrew McGregor to be your lovely wedded husband" the priest said loud enough for everyone in the Cathedral to hear.

"I do" she said blushing

"With the power vested in me, I declare these two husband and may kiss your bride"

Andrew held her by the waist and pulled her in before kissing her.

The crowd cheered. Timi stood behind Andrew who had asked him and Tobi to be part of his groomsmen as a favour to Laila Tobi had accepted on his behalf during the time he was away.

He looked over at Grandfather where he sat. Daniel, his sister's son stood by Grandfather.

Grandfather looked at his watch then at Timi before whispering something to the boy who then proceeded to help him stand.

The moment he walked into the church he knew something wasn't right. Grandfather leaving in the middle of the ceremony only gave him more reason to feel uneasy.

He watched him walk down the aisle in the middle of the church. He walked as fast as his old legs could. Slowly, guided by Daniel. He watched blankly with one hand in his pocket as a guard came towards the old man and he held out his hand to dismiss him.

"I will be right back" he said to Tobi.

He walked out of the church through a side door. He placed a call through to his wife. He waited for her to pick up but she didn't.
He called back two more times. No answer. He took in a deep breath as he begged himself to stay calm.

He called his girls. No answer.

He stared at his phone, unsure of what to do. An engine roared as it drove by.
Grandfather sat in The backseat, the window was rolled down and he looked straight ahead.

Timis thoughts was all over the place when his phone Rang.

"Thank God" he said under his breathe.


"Why didn't you answer your phone"

" I am sorry. I and the kids were in the bunker and I forgot to take my phone"

" I just wanted to be sure you guys were safe"

"We are fine, hon..."

" I will call back in four hours" he said into the phone before hanging up.

He wasn't sure what was going to happen today. He had been having sleepless nights since Laila had told him he had to come for her wedding.

Despite her naivety, Laila was a very firm person. Grandfather referred to her as the sheep among wolves. No one had ever witnessed her bad side, if she had any.

He had decided the girls were not attending the wedding and neither was Dara. Tobi had cried while they got him dressed for the wedding.

" Tobi, you know Grandfather has ears everywhere...if he learns that you cry so much and you act like a baby when it comes to family matters like this....he will take you away from us." He heard Marcella said as she got him dressed.

He peeped into his son's room and watched him cry as his sister made his tie. He rushed into her arms.

He closed the door as he remembered how he use to cry to his mother when he was Tobi's age. So much responsibility the old man had put on his shoulders.

He had wished he didn't have to bring him with him. But that would have said something else. It would have said enough for Tobi to be sent to a strict grooming school on the coast of some place Timi wouldn't have access to and afterwards he would be sent off to a disciplinary school before heading off to the military. Just like his namesake had experienced when he was younger.

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