Chapter Thirty Two

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      She broke the kiss and rested her head on Ethan's shoulders. She took in a deep breathe as she felt Ethan's hand pat her waist.
     She turned around slowly to look at Makayla who stood arm crossed away from them.
"What do you want Makayla"

"Nothing. Just some fresh air" she said mockingly

"Okay then. Enjoy" Marcella said taking Ethan's hand to lead him away.
    Makayla took a step towards, standing in Marcella's way.
"Makayla, now is not the time"

"Now is the perfect time" She said as she and Marcella stare at each other. A smirk grew on her face before she looked over at Ethan

"So you declined my engagement because you wanted a bigger fish"

"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked

"Who wouldn't" Marcella clapped back.

Ethan took Marcella's hand "just leave her alone. Let's go,Marcy"

"You already have cute nicknames for each other. Isn't That just cute" she said blankly " So much energy tonight. It  must have been the near death experience"

      Marcella finally gave into Ethan's gentle nudging and let him lead her away.

"Your front liners did amazing today. No one had a clue the heir had almost died. Or maybe you just aren't the heir we think you are" Makayla said loudly making Marcella stop. Ethan looked back at her shaking his head from side to side.

"Just leave her let's go"  he whispered to her as he held on to her shoulders
  "Amazing front liners" She yelled, then she started clapping.

     The front liners were family members who carried on with whatever they were doing at a point. They were the ones that kept the people and the public distracted. Her aunties, Her Grandma, Her uncles, her cousins.     

    They would keep things moving like nothing was happening while the little of them fought the real war behind the curtains. 
Just like tonight.
     No one had a clue thanks to them.

"No Family member is useless. Not even the illegitimate ones" Her grandfather had said to her a long time ago while he sat in on one of her lessons where the importance of  the front liners was explained to her at the age of Eleven.

      "They are certain people outside of our family who serve as front liners without even knowing. depending on their character and popularity. People who have alcohol issues, people who like drama, people who like being out there, singers, actors, young, old... doesn't matter. anybody could be a front liner. Even a baby" he had continued

      "But they did a very bad job at hiding the cause of the death of your Grandparents" she said "and your mother"

     She removed Ethan's hands from her shoulder and started to approach Makayla.
   " Marcella" Ethan called out "don't listen to her"

"What did you say?"

     "You heard me?"
" Your Great - grandfather ordered the death of your grandparents"

   Marcella shook her head in disbelief. She was confused and she couldn't believe what she was hearing "you are lying, Makayla. You do nothing but lie" she said as she started walking away from her

"I have proof" she yelled "Michelle's father was the pilot. I found the contract in a box of his old stuff that she brought out when I went to her house" Makayla lied. She lied about how she found out. She didn't know how her Father got a hold of the contract but she knew it was Michelle's father that signed the death warrant that killed six other people that day. The rest of the story checked out.
     "You are lying!" Marcella screamed at her. Ethan rushed to her side and held her back as she tried to reach for Makayla.

  "You can ask your father. The co pilot was Azeezat's father. No wonder they turned Islanders high into a charity for low class scholarship students" she said, eyeing Ethan as the last words left her mouth.

"You liar!" Marcella screamed as Ethan pulled her back. She fought him, trying to reach Makayla who just stood before her unmoving.

"And your mother! the doctor asked for who to save and they picked you. You killed your mother, Marcy"

       This time Marcella managed to escape Ethan's grip she screamed as she walked quickly towards Makayla.

   Makayla stepped back and fell from stepping on the trail of her dress. Ethan quickly grabbed Marcella before she could do anything.

     With all the energy he had. He had managed to pull her out of the situation she had been in before she could do anything that Makayla could turn against her.
      He finally let her loose when they had walked far from where they had been. She pushed him away and paced back and forth away from him.

"She's lying, it can be true" she murmured under her breathe before storming off
"I didn't know about the Engagement she was talking about"
"That is the least of my problems now, Ethan"
  "Marcella calm down"

    She walked around the large house to the front porch. The door was opened for her by a guard who told her they had been looking for her.

"What about Devon! As he found my friend" Marcella asked firmly, her voice a bit coarse
   "Not yet"

She stormed off and walked over to the other end of the big Foyer. The guests were still enjoying themselves as they made donations. Despite her anger she had noticed how clear the other entrance of the ball room by the waterfront had been.

       The large windows had exposed the merriments of the guests in their Ignorance of what was happening around them.

         She got to the Stone wall on the other side of the Foyer, water poured down it and light reflected on the wall against the marble stones that were below. The wall parted exposing their large living area as she walked through it.

        Everyone else other than the front liners were there. She looked from one person to the other Tobi Talabi, Ola Olateru, Her Father, Her Grandfather and her Great- Grand Father.

   "Where have you been" her father's firm voice said

"I want the truth" she said as her eyes filled with tears.


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