Chapter Twenty

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"Ethan!.....we are off, to the McGregors" his mother called out from the living area. Ethan looked down at her and his father from where he stood upstairs. He had done his best to avoid them since the incident with his mom in his room. 

When he had to, he only spoke a few words to them and remained firm. His mom, cheerful as ever didn't change. She looked up at him. Their house had high ceilings, high enough that the chandelier still stood above him by a few feet despite where he stood. He held on to the stair railing as he looked down over the large living area.

"Are you sure you are not coming?" His father yelled out as his mother helped him with his tie. This was a big deal for them and he prayed that it was what it seemed. He hoped that Makayla wasn't behind this meeting.

     "Demilade!" His father yelled as he looked up angrily. They only called him that when they were angry with him and like a puppy his whole mindset just reboots and he is calmer about everything. He took his time in going down the spiral stairs.

     His father stared at his watch then at him. "Let's just go honey we don't want to keep them waiting" his mother said as she looked awkwardly from her son to her husband. Ethan's father rarely got angry but when he did, he got mad. He wore a black suit that complimented his mother's grey dress. They looked perfect together, they've always looked it.

      "By the time I get home you should have stopped this stupid act you've put up and apologize to your mother, or else..." he said firmly with anger.

     "Yes sir" he said under hit breathe before his father tapped his hand against his cheeks. He started to walk away with his mothers hand interlocked with his.  "l don't think you should go"
     His father stopped and turned around slowly

"what did you just say?. I am done taking all this from you" He said as he started to unbutton his suit jacket "your mother has spoilt you, have you forgotten the son of whom you are, have you forgotten where we came from. Where you grew up"

    He had started to remove his belt when his mother held him back. "Let's just go okay, the McGregor's are waiting. We have been waiting. Deal with him when you come back" she said in her sweet soothing voice that suddenly took its effect on his father. His rapid beating began to slow and he took his hands of his belt. Never had they raised their hand on him. Never had they even considered doing it till now.

  "I am sorry sir" Ethan said as he prostrated in front of his father as his Grandma had taught him to do whenever he was greeting and elderly person.

    "It's our culture" she always said. "Omo Yoruba, ma dobale ni"

"I am sorry, mom" he apologized as he stood up only to prostrate again in her front. 

     His father walked out angrily but his mom bent down and helped him up. "I know you are, I am sorry too that I lied about Marcy, I should have told you. When we get home I will tell you everything there is to know"

"Thank you, mom" he said before hugging her

"You are welcome" she said as she broke the hug and headed towards the exist  "I love you, okay, don't stay up".


"Okay. I won't" he told her but he knew he was going to. He hadn't been able to sleep since the incident with Marcella. He found it hard to fall asleep at will without seeing her yell at him in his sleep just like she did that day. If she wasn't yelling at him she was screaming like a banshee and it scared him. He couldn't handle her ignoring him anymore and he was going to do something about it.

He just didn't know what he was going to do yet.


"That is just fine, you may go now" Makayla said as she watched the maid who had splashed water on her earlier get handed her belongings. She knew what was next, she didn't have to say it aloud. She watched the older woman walk out of their mansion from where she stood in the middle of the foyer in her blue long Vera Wang dress.

"You can't keep firing everybody who makes a mistake around you, what is your problem" Her mother said aloud from behind her.

"Mom, don't question my authority in front of the helps" she said firmly under her breathe as if they was a third party in the foyer with them.

"You are 16 act your age for once" Her mother said as she sat into the large wing chair.

"You don't see or hear anyone telling Marcella to act her age. Why do you hate me, mom" Makayla said nonchalantly

"You are unbearable, what is this thing you have with that poor girl. Her mother is dead!" Her mother said back as she held out a wine glass, one of the maid who stood around quickly rushed over and poured her wine which she drowned down only to hold out the cup again.
"Mom, please you need to be focused Ethan's parents are coming" Makayla said as she took the cup away from her after the maid filled it up. "I didn't beg grandfather and father to help me arrange this only for you to ruin it, no offense"

"This Ethan boy, he isn't much, King is waaay better than him in wealth and looks, in everything!. He doesn't even look like your type" her mother said as if they were two girls talking about boys. "I see, Marcella and this boy must have something and you want to ruin it"

"Mom, don't say that. Marcella hates him" she said defensively
"But I saw them kiss that night. Didn't look like an hate kiss to me" her mom added

"You didn't see what happened after" she said defensively with anger. "You didn't see" .

She disliked her mom for a lot of things and her alcohol problem was the least of it all. Maybe, just maybe if she had put in half the energy she was putting into getting Ethan in getting Timi Adegeshin when they both attended Islanders high together maybe her story would have been different now. She would have been the byproduct of the merging of two most powerful Islanders Families.

 The most powerful families in the country. No one would have dared crossed her. But now she was the second to a girl whose paternal family alone made her second.

Only God could see her heart and her hatred for the way things turned out. She had secretly hoped that Marcella's father would stay single for as long as it would take her to create a rift between her own parents. Maybe then their families could still merge.

They would become sisters but she would make Grandfather like her more with her ambitions, enough for him to let her be the heir of the family fortune and since she was the only child of her parents. She would have single headedly taken the wealth and power of both families all for herself. But he had to go and marry his peasant of a wife with no connections to wealth talk less of riches who didn't just die when she got shot that year.

"Nothing happened in the closet, did it?" Her mother said knocking her back to reality. She turned to look at her, she had a smirk on her face. She felt fury run through her vain, she had made up a story and everyone else had believed her. She had put up an act as she stepped out of the closet that night. She took a deep breathe and looked away sharply. She would not allow her emotions be played with by her mother.

"Wait and see, after tonight." She said as she put the cup to her mouth. And took a gulp before her mother dragged the cup from her hand, almost spilling it on her dress. "Mom!"

"You are too young to drink" she said then gulped the remaining content of the cup.

So sorry I haven't been uploading frequently, I love you guys tho and I promise to create time.

Who can guess what is going to happen?

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