Chapter Forty

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      "Hey" Ethan said as he took his seat beside her on her table. King joined shortly with Mide and so did Ibrahim.

They talked and laughed till KT joined in with some other seniors. It was a full house.
   Lunch seemed to go on forever till MaKayla stormed into the Cafeteria.
  She headed towards where they were seated angrily.

"You!" She said pointing at Marcella. She was excited about the fact that MaKayla has finally had the guts to confront her.

"How far are you willing to go to protect this slum rat" she said loudly "that you even go as far as giving her such honour with your family name. Do you have no shame"

"I have nothing to proof to you MaKayla. Today is not the day"  Marcella said without looking at her.

       She could hear MaKaylas heavy breathing. She was angry alright but how far was she willing to go.
  Marcella turned to look at her and they stared at each other, daring and threatening the other person without uttering a word.

   Then she went far enough. Marcella jerked as she saw MaKaylas hand hit Azeezat's face with force.
"You ingrate!" Marcella said under her breathe as she stood up angrily to slap MaKayla.

        Azeezat's hand swept through the air. Within second MaKayla was on the floor, panting as she held on to her face.
"This slum rat won't take anymore of your nonsense"

     "Guys, check your phones"  someone announced.
Everyone else turned to their phones to check whatever update that could have been made by anyone. 
    The announcement Screen in the cafeteria came on and a newscaster on ITV was reading out the news.

" The Adegeshin family has announced a new addition to their family and it is not the baby we've all been expecting. It's 17years old Islanders high student.... Azeezat Olateru who will now be known as Marilyn Adegeshin, child of the heir to the Adegeshin fortune....." the newscaster said. Heads turned to look at them. Marcella placed her hand on Azeezats arm. She was still breathing very fast from the whole ordeal.

        She turned around and hugged her.
"Marilyn?" Azeezat whispered

" Grandfather met Her once"

"In other news, there's been a devastating.....wait" the newscaster said as he turned away for a while. The twins tried to help MaKayla up but she shoved them away.

"Oh boy, we have just confirmed that The patriarch of the Mcgregor family has just been pronounced dead after a gas leak in their home. There's more"

   Everyone turned to MaKayla. She was loosing her balance, she was about to fall to the ground when one of the twins cut her. She shoved her away again and held on to the table instead.

"The patriarch left no biological heirs. His daughter who has also sadly died with him in the accident was in fact not his biological daughter. Colonel Gerald Olatokunbo McGregor is succeeded by his adoptive  son and Granddaughter. MaKayla McGregor..... sorry....this is not a good day for the McGregor's" the newscaster said, whispering the last bit to himself yet audible enough for them to hear" the young heir apparent has no claim to the family fortune as she has no  link to the family. She is said to be the child of a bad romance between the ......"

Makayla's hear rang as she heard the words that came out of the mouth of the newscaster. She took deep long breathes. Her life was over within minutes.
     Her whole life has been a lie.

    She turned to look at Marcella and Azeezat. She stormed towards them preparing to jump and attack when she slipped. She screamed as she fell.
       She heard people scream. The lights flickered in her eyes as she noticed herself fade away.

"Someone call the Doctor" she heard Marcella yell.

       "Someone call the Doctor" Marcella yelled as loud as she could. She was panicking but she had to act. They all watched as blood streamed out of a corner of Makaylas head.

"Excuse me" she heard voices say.  Thank God she thought as she made a sigh of relief
           The medics knelt beside her.

"I will need you all to move away, please" one medic said as he controlled the crowd to move back. Marcella watched as They opened her eyes and pointed a flash light from one eye to another.

          "Make way" one yelled as they lifted her into an hospital gurney. Then she started to vibrate uncontrollably

"She's having a seizure..." another medic yelled as they rushed her out of the cafeteria using the emergency exist.

    That evening, while they were at home. Waiting for her dad to come home the newscaster pronounced MaKayla dead.

        As they watched and listened to the details the medical team had provided. Marcella felt tears roll down her face. She had taken drugs before approaching them in the cafeteria. Her blood pressure was over the roof for her age which didn't make her situation any better.

Marcella had said a silent prayer for her as she watched the rest of the news, a slide show had been made of her doing what she had done while she was alive.

Timi burst into Grandfathers study angrily

"What did you do?" He asked loudly.
   "Have you forgotten your manners, now or have I taught you nothing" his grandfather said as he looked up from his newspaper to look at him.

"What did you do?"

"I just read the news myself. I am as surprised as you are, Grandson" he said as he poured two cups of scotch for them to drink "sit, Grandson and tell me what had you all riled up"


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