Chapter forty two

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       " It's a boy " their father announced over a call.

The three of them screamed. They were overwhelmed with joy. Azeezat carried Tobi in a hug. Marcella hugged the both of them and they jumped together.

"We will be home in a couple of days okay. We love you, okay. Stay safe. When she's awake I will call so you can talk to her" Timi said over the phone

"Okay...Dad....bye" they yelled.

       "Daddy wait, daddy" Tobi yelled as rushed to he kneel down beside the table the phone was on

   "Yes, Tobi"

"They are three boys now and three girls. We will definitely win now" he said excitedly

   Timi laughed and the girls joined in "Definitely, son...take good care of your sisters"


       The phone went off and the three of them looked at eachother.

"It's a boy!" Tobi yelled excitedly.

    The girls screamed and attacked him.
"Tickle attack" they called it

      Their life had been different since the day their father had come home angrily that night, the Dark Night, the Islanders now call it. The night the McGregor family fell. Usually whenever he came home late or early he made sure he saw them once he arrived home. But that day had been different. Before arriving he had given some orders to his wife,  he called after they watched the news.

     A little while later, Azeezat had showed up at their house with all her things. She was to be staying with them fully while her mom and younger sister joined her brother in England.

        It was a mutual agreement but the details wasn't discussed with the children. He had ordered that the kids go to bed before he got home.

     "Hey" Azeezat said opening the door to Marcella's room and peeking in "can I sleep in your room this night"

    It wasn't her first time sleeping over but that night felt different. They had lost someone. She was not their friend but she could have been. 

     He came home that night and he had done something he had never done before. He had yelled. Loud enough for the kids to be very scared.

"Timi, you need to calm down" Dara kept pleading

      After a while, things cooled down and then he started again.

"Should we?"
"No...let's just go to bed"

     A few minutes later they could hear a door open and close and then another open.

"Daddy.... you are home" 

Timi sat by his wife's bed in a private hospital room. He looked at her lovingly. He remembered how the last time had gone. How scared he was and how she had fought for her life.

     That would never happen again, that life was behind them. It had been two months since he walked away from Grandfather. Two months he had been living as close to normal as he could, giving his children all his time and love.  

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