Chapter Five

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By 1:00pm, Everyone headed out for the lunch break. Mide led Azeezat to the cafeteria as they talked about what had happened between Ethan and Marcella during Chemistry class.

"What's going to happen to him?" Azeezat asked cluelessly

"If his family is Blacklisted. Nobody will be allowed to do business with them and that's only the beginning. He is in big trouble. He is done. This is only the beginning of the end for him" she said with a serious face as the walked into the Cafeteria. The cafeteria was a very big space. It had Air conditioning like the rest of the school.

There were different types of foods on display. Mide led Azeezat to pick up a tray and they got in line to order what they wanted.

She looked into the glass where the foods were. It was like she was in a The Place restaurant but with more options. There was ice cream in different flavors by the time they got to the front of the line.

"How much can I ask to be given?" Azeezat asked as she felt her mouth water at the sight of all the delicacies she was seeing both traditional and English.

"Hey, you have to take enough to not give yourself out" Mide said as she took her tray from her and handed it over to one of the ladies behind the counter.

"This. That. This. That and yes that" she said as she pointed at the meals she wanted which didn't include any of the ones Azeezat really wanted.

"Can I at least take ice cream" she begged

"Your funeral" Mide said as she collected her tray back.

They turned and looked at the Cafeteria. Everyone sat in groups. Mide led her to an empty table. It was just the two of them.

"Why is it just us here?" Azeezat asked

"We were four friends but they couldn't afford to come to Islanders High anymore" she said without looking at Azeezat "they became rich" she said with a shrug.

"That's Ironic" Azeezat said to Mide who's face suddenly became blank.

"Being rich is not enough to be an Islander" Mide said firmly which scared her.

Was accepting this scholarship a wrong thing for her. Would she get bullied. The way Mide warned her about not letting people know about her scholarship scared her. What if they found out about every other details of her life.

What would they do then?

Azeezat looked around her again and saw Ethan on Makayla's table. He was sitting next to her and they looked like couples. She saw Michelle stand by the table where Marcella had been sitting alone to the one where Makayla was.

They conversed before Makayla let her sit.

"She has guts, honestly" Mide said when she noticed it was what Azeezat was looking at. "She's going to get burned"

"She knows about the Islanders though, she told me outside the class" Azeezat said as she licked a spoon of her Ice cream.

"Did you tell her you were a scholarship student?" She said worriedly
"No, no" Azeezat replies her

"Hey, aren't you fat enough" Maykayla yelled from where she was sitting. 

The whole cafeteria turned to look at Azeezat as she put a spoon of ice cream into her mouth. She slowly removed the spoon from her mouth and placed it back in the ice cream cup on the table and pushed it away.

 She looked over at Mide who had a type of "I told you so" look on her face.

"I am sorry though, but I warned you" she said. Azeezat looked at her wrist that her mother always complained about being too skinny.

"So here is what we are going to do, if anyone asks, you are from the Olateru Family, it's a big family no one can know for sure if it's true or not and you being able to attend Islanders High is enough proof about your birth" she said before pausing to look at Marcella "not even her. That's the only way you are going to be able to survive in this school"

"Okay. So I have to lie but how can I keep it up? I don't have the luxury you guys have" Azeezat said

"I am going to help you for as long as we can keep this lie going" Mide said as she took a bite of her meat pie. "For now let me tell you the basics about this society before you mess up next time"

"They are five families you should never mess with The Adegeshins, the McGregors, The Dantatas, The Kings, and The Danjumas. The first family is very large as a bit of the other four families in it due to marital exchanges. Whatever you do, do not ever mess with any of them. Do not even take candy from a baby in that family" she said. "They are the most powerful Islanders and they basically created the Islanders. The Islanders is a small society of people"

"Rich people?" Azeezat asked cluelessly

"Wealthy people, every single person you see in this Cafeteria belongs to a wealthy family except you of course. They are all heirs to one thing or the other" she said before taking a sip of her drink.

 "oil, gas, telecommunications, companies, agriculture, malls, parks mention anything. You are sitting in the middle of wealth and you have none of it. Now that's ironical"

"So who is the Adegeshin I shouldn't mess with" Azeezat asked.

"She" She said as she looked towards Marcella. "Don't talk to her don't breathe the same air as she does and stay the hell way from her. She doesn't do much or say much but she commands respect. Then Makayla is a McGregor, stay away from her too even though that warning is coming a little bit late"

They looked over to Makaylas table as a tall boy that had a black leather jacket on instead of his blazer joined Makaylas table. His food was placed in front of him by a person dressed as a waiter.

"That there is The King, the heir to the Eze fortune. Don't go near him either" Mide warned as they looked away towards Marcella whose table was now being filled with more food than she could possibly eat by two waiters. After they had finished placing everything on her table. She took the bottled water at the centre of the table and walked away.

"What's going to happen to all that food now" Azeezat asked as they turned to face their food

"Her grandfather owns this school and a whole lot of other things. The rich exploits the poor but the wealthy exploit the rich while her grandfather exploits basically everyone and everything" Mide said " Her grandfather and Makayla's Grandfather have been in a life long rivalry which Makayla has put upon herself to carry on with Marcella. You should come to the mall during the weekend with me. I will introduce you to everyone"

"The City mall?" Azeezat asked

"Where is that?" Mide asked Cluelessly

"On the mainland" Azeezat answered

"Ew, no. The Islanders Mall" Mide said repulsed by what Azeezat has said " If you don't know anything just keep quiet. It's going to save you a lot"

"What about Ibrahim?"Azeezat asked

"What about him?" Mide asked back

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask"

"Don't bother asking he is getting married to Marcella" she said as she resumed eating


First days are the longest.
Welcome to Islanders High

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