Chapter Twenty Nine

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      "Marcella, are you sure you are okay" her aunty said as she stepped out of the closest she had kept since she was a child.
"Yes, aunty I am fine"

"You know you can talk to me. You just had a near death experience and what happened with you and your mom"


"Your father had been stressed out since she called him to tell him you threw a feet and You not turning up since you left the house got everyone on edge. Why did you even switch off your phone?" She said calmly in her soothing voice as she dabbed a bit of powder to her nieces face with a make up brush.

     Ola paused when she noticed her niece let down her guard as a tear ran down her face.

"I am tired, aunty Ola. There's so much lies and secrets in this family. There's so much hurt this family causes to everyone in it. Being related to this family is a curse"

"Where are all these coming from hon, it's a blessing to be an Adegeshin don't you ever forget that. Okay." Ola said as she held on to Marcella's chin. " we are all set"

    She understood exactly how the girl was feeling. She felt that way when she was her age as well. Tobi, her uncle had felt that way and so did Timi, her Father. Unlike her they didn't have anyone to talk to about it. It was a pressure that existed among the heirs that they never fully identified its existence.

    "You of all people. Marcella. You are the most blessed of us all" Ola said, she stood behind her, her hands on her shoulder as they look at each other through the large vanity mirror "you are beautiful and you are going to be the heir of all these one day"

   " That's what I thought you  but that's not true" she said loudly almost yelling

"What do you mean?" She asked baffled

"Aunty Ola, I am not the heir. Not since a long time ago. Grandfather knows this and so does my father" she said as tears ran down her face.

      Ola did her best to hide her expressions, it wasn't hard not to but she found herself to be more human when dealing with kids. She drew her in for a hug as her mind ran over the thought that she remembered.

Marcella remembers.
  She wanted to admit it loudly.

Admitting loudly would mean she knew what had happened that year, it would put her on her hate list and she knew better.   
    If she was already at odds with Dara and her father what couldn't she do with her.

"I am so sorry baby" she said as she broke the hug "nobody has the right to take anything from you. It's your birthright okay. Listen to me. Okay"

"Okay" she reluctantly said as she cleaned her face.

     The door of the large room opened and they turned to look at Dara come in.
   Ola watched as Marcella turned away immediately as if the person who had just entered was of  major insignificance in her life and not the woman who raised her. Dara strolled into the room and sat on the bed.

"Sure. I will excuse you" Ola tried to leave but was held on to by Marcella. "Listen to what she has to say. I will be outside waiting for you"

     She hugged and kissed her on the cheek. She wanted to stay but she had to go. She had to inform the others.  She got to the door before she turned back.

    "The frontliners have held up the wall enough. You should come down soon" 
    They both nodded at her before she disappeared into the hallway, closing the door behind her.

    "Marcella" Dara said her hand wrapped around her waist. She looked pale and she looked obviously frightened. Her eyes were swollen, she had been crying.

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