Chapter twenty three

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Makayla watched as Ethan got to the table and talked to Marcella. She couldn't be anymore angry. He had left her table and had somehow taken other boys with him, leaving her table almost bare and noiseless.

     She had hated how Marcella had taken the spot light at the auditorium, she listened to the whispers of the students as some of them admitted that they feared her too much while others snared or complained. She just had to be the Hero.

     Her phone rang distracting her from her thoughts she looked down at her phone screen that was lit up. It was her mom.
    She picked the call with hesitation and waited for her mother to speak first. She never introduced herself or spoke first on a call.

"Makayla are you there" her mother said into the phone in a low and hurried voice "Makayla!"

"Yes mother. I am here" she said as she took a scoop of the caviar in front of her.

"Good, Good I mean Bad, Bad. Makayla there's trouble" she whispered "is King anywhere there"

   He wasn't. He had been acting weird for days now maybe weeks and when he was around he stayed with Ethan and Ibrahim. He hardly made so much noise anymore and he hardly commanded all the respect he usually commanded.

"No, Mom he isn't" Makayla said tiredly "and why are you whispering for God sake"

"Well then get yourself home now. Because he just called off the Engagement"

"What!" She yelled. She yelled loud enough for everyone else in the Cafeteria to turn and look at her.

"I don't know how this is possible. This Engagement has been there since before you both were born. You have to come home now" her mother continued to whisper into the phone "o good. King just walked in. Come home now"

     Makayla slammed the phone against the table. She felt rage and she didn't know who to pour it on

"What are you all looking at" she yelled. Everyone else who had either paused or looked at her when she yelled the first time hurried off or drew their attention back to what they were doing.

She stood up and stormed off towards the Cafeteria door. As she walked away Notification sounds from phones could be heard all around the Cafeteria as the murmuring grew louder and the kids  gasped or sighed. The words "oh my gosh" became the most said words among the Islanders high student for the next minutes.

  Marcella, Mide, Ethan and Azeezat had drawn their attention to Makayla when she yelled earlier and now they watched her storm off. Their phones lit up with a notification from the app  and the girls exchanged looks.

  "The Queen  and King are no more" KT updated on his wall. The comments below his update were emojis from the other users. No one could say anything.

  Marcella and Azeezat looked at Mide and she knew what they were thinking but they didn't say anything.

   "Some other time, Ethan" Marcela said as she stood up to leave "maybe"
        "Marcella. It is just going to take a minute or two of you time please" Ethan said

"I am sure it can wait" Marcella said firmly before walking off with Mide

"Try again some other time. Different environment maybe" Azeezat whispered to him before leaving to join her friends.
    Ibrahim came and patted Ethan's shoulder "she will come around, man. Just don't push it" he said as he urged him forward "let's go bro"

    After the final bell rang, the students of Islanders high couldn't have been in anymore of a hurry to go to their houses and talk to their parents about how the failed Engagement would affect their way of life.

     Majority of the Female students were in a hurry to go and find out how soon The Eze family wanted to get their son engaged to someone else, to see if they stood a chance. The only people who had an idea of why King and his family could have called off the Engagement were the people present at Makayla's after party. None of the people present that night revealed anything to anyone out of their lack of interest or out of  the fear of being excluded from such an exclusive gathering next time.

      "Guys!!! Guys!!! Y'all should come to the basket ball court now" one of the football players in their class announced excitedly before running out. Marcella and Azeezat looked at each other before looking at Mide while everyone else ran out almost immediately after the announcement.

      The girls walked into the hallway to see the other students running towards the Basketball court

"What is happening today?" Mide said
They walked towards the basket ball court casually as everyone else ran towards it. Azeezat had held on to Marcella when she was brushed roughly by a running student who stopped to apologize "I am so sorry Azeezat. Please forgive me Marcella" he said as he stood aside. Marcella snared at him as he watched them walk away.

    They walked into the Basket ball court. Azeezat admired it as it looked exactly the way she had thought it would look if it were occupied with the students of Islanders High the first day Mide had dragged her inside it.

     "What's happening" Marcella asked as people made a path for them to walk through. They got to the front and saw King standing in the middle of the court. 

    "What is he doing" Azeezat said.

"Let's leave, please" Mide said as she turned to leave.

"Mide wait" King said into the Microphone in his hand
    The three girls stopped in their stead and turned.

"As you all have heard, I have broken off my Engagement to Makayla. And here's why. I am in love. I am in love with that girl over there" he said and pointed towards her. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at her.

"I fell for her since Kindergarten and I fall deeper in love for her everyday. I am doing this to let everyone know that I no longer want to hide what we have...." He kept saying as he walked towards her. Azeezat and Marcella stepped back.

"Will you be my Girlfriend?" King asked her when he got to her front. He took her hand in his and they stood there looking into each other's eyes for a moment . The room was silent as everyone else anticipated her answer. She pulled her hand away from his and turned to walk away. Everyone gasped in disbelief.

      Kings face fell and his excitement was no more as he watched her walk away.

  Just when everyone had thought it was over, Mide turned around and ran into his arms and hugged him as she jumped excitedly. Everyone else cheered. Even the girls who thought they stood a chance cheered as they kissed. He ran his hand through her hair.

   "I play too much" she said to him excitedly, the mic caught it and everyone else laughed as King pulled her in for a Hug

"I was so scared" he whispered into her ear "I was so scared"

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