Chapter sixteen

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     Authors note

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Thank you for listening to the corrections. Thank you and God bless you for your constant support.

But if you didn't hear to the instructions, well there's nothing much I can do.
You will be fine last last!

        The light from the table lamp by her bed shown on the pages of the book. She always  filled the Diary with her thoughts. She had kept a diary since she was eight and even when the books got filled the name remained the same. Demi.

    The name had appealed to her, she loved the way it sounded and it eased her for some reason. She had poured down all her thoughts as it came not paying attention to the words but merely making sure she wrote what she felt.

    She decided to read through what she had wrote and realized it hadn't been all that bad. She had written about how softly he kissed her. She looked away as she welcomed the thought of the kiss. She bit her lips and felt something she had never felt before.

Between her legs. Warmth.
    What was happening to her?

The door flew open and she got startled "I was just checking on you. I didn't know you were still up" Lara said.

"I am fine" she managed to let out after clearing her throat. She quickly closed the book and placed it on the table and turned off the lamp.

         She had spent the next day resting at home. She had asked her mom to order one of the drivers to take Azeezat home with a note explaining what she had given her and an invitation to their house despite Azeezat's hesitation to collect it.

        She has opened the Fodra app later that evening and had seen Kenny Taiwo's status update and the amount of likes it had but no one dared comment except King.

"I tell you man" he replied
    God did she hate him.

She went to school with her head held high. She had ignored Ethan every time he tried to talk to her.    

     Mide had run up to her when she saw her that morning and entwined her hand in hers. "I am so glad you are doing okay" she had said excitedly.

  Why didn't she feel the urge to break free?
Her cousin passed by and waved at her with a smile. She waved back stiffly.

    This was the most she had done with any of her relatives or anyone else in school. Even when they met at social gatherings she always kept them at arms length.

  She was willing to welcome the feeling of socializing but she wasn't going to welcome any disrespect that could come with it.
    "Where is Azeezat?" She asked Mide

"I don't know?.She's never late but she comes from a very very very far place. Basically another state. Trust me I have been there"

   She nodded at what she said as she made eye contact with Ethan. He had tried to come towards her but she dragged Mide and they left the hallway.

         Azeezat didn't come to school that day. It had made her worried and she had called but she didn't pick either.
     She found herself hoping she was safe.

"I have a bad feeling about Azeezat" Marcella had abruptly stopped as they walked out of the main building after school. Her driver pulled up in front of the building.

     "I am sure she's fine" Mide said
"We are changing directions" she had notified her personal driver, James who had the door opened for her.

"My instincts are never wrong. call your driver to drive in"

"There won't let him in...."Mide said and Marcella replied her with a look that asked if she questioned her authority.

" Ahmed, drive in. Tell them Miss Adegeshin requested it" Mide said into her phone. Within five  minutes the driver Pulled up in front of them.

"Wow" she exclaimed.

        Another car pulled up behind Mide's and three men in suit came out.

    Marcella looked at her driver James with an angry look. "I am sorry ma'am, it's basic protocol"
"Marcella" the hugest man had said firmly, his eyes hiding behind the dark shades that he wore

"Uncle Ted" She said with a short side smile. He had been working for their family for as long as she could remember.

    She knew James had sent a speed message. They had to come with her and they was nothing she could do to stop it.

    "Lead the way" she said to Mide's driver before she disappeared into the car.


   "Mommy, I swear I am not lying" she cried and begged on her kneels as her mom searched impatiently behind the fridge she knew what she was looking for and she prayed she didn't find it. Her brother had tried to cover up for her and they had gotten caught.

    "Mama Chinedu, saw you get into a big car yesterday and called me immediately, you now lied again. And the worst is that everything I told you to do in this house, you didn't do it" her mom yelled as she continued her search. "You think I am a fool abi"

    "Mommy, no. Mommy please I am sorry" she begged
" You want to become a prostitute. Where is that Cain?. Jamal! Jamal!" She yelled at the top of her voice.Her brother had bought her time by changing the hiding place of the Cain. Her sister walked into the sitting room "where is the Cain?"

"It is in Brother Jamal's toilet" she said eagerly

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