Something Exciting

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Maui could not believe her words. There was someone like him out there? How?

He came to Te Fiti to steal her heart, but found something far more extraordinary. A demigoddess. The gods were all right, but they were nowhere to be found or just lazy and slept for a millennium or more. It was getting boring, and now she comes into the picture.

Maui smirked as she came closer to where he was sitting and sat before him. He hid his expression as he was amazed at how beautiful she still looked, but he continued. "How did you become a demigoddess," he asked curiously, while she remained passive and did not let any emotions pass her by. "I do not know," she continued. "At first I did not age, then after some years of experimenting I found out about my powers, so I just assumed that I was a demigoddess," she said, as if it wasn't something anyone would say with excitement and enthusiasm.

Maui nodded and looked at the sky.

"And what are you doing here? There is nothing special here," she said, as if she didn't even know what was here for all these years.

"Seriously? You have never explored the island? If so, I am here for the heart of Te Fiti," he said as he relaxed, laid down and put his arms behind his head.

Leilana was shocked. She had no idea what year it was, but she thought it was at least a little bit later than this. She came a thousand years before the adventure even began.

She now knows what would happen to the island where she now lived and to Maui, but the story must take its course. So she sighed and said nothing. She just watched as Maui relaxed before everything would change for the worst for a thousand years.


It felt warm.

It was like she was warm again at home with her pillow on her side. She smiled and thought for a moment that she was home again, but as her "pillow" moved, she slowly opened her eyes and saw her and Maui tangled on the floor. They probably fell asleep and didn't even know it was going to happen.


Maui woke up, saw her in his arms and smiled. He wanted to move out of that cosy, warm cage but there was no hope of success for him.

She woke up in a good mood and looked up at him with her big eyes, which sent Maui's heart racing.

She smiled at him and snuggled closer to him in search of warmth. She longed for human contact as she had not had it for more than a few years. They stayed like that for a little longer and enjoyed the mutual warmth in each other's arms but then Leilana rolled away smiling as she was energized by the comfortable sleep she had.

She laughed, looked at him and rolled back like a child. "I have not rested that well in a long time," she said as she rolled back to him and looked at him with sparkling eyes. Maui had a smile on his face adorning the beauty before him. It was like a perfect moment that the two of them did not want to break. For Leilana, it was like a fairy tale that she could only imagine when she read or wrote her stories. Only now her stories in this world consisted of the stories of her past life, like fairy tales, the classics and famous movies she didn't want to forget. She also wrote the lyrics from the music that she had almost forgotten.

Leilana lied on her stomach while her arms supported her upper body to stay up and Maui just lied on his back. She saw his tattoos and began to closely observe them. There were many more tattoos on his skin than on hers because she had not done anything big to get a tattoo yet.

Maui cocked his brow as he saw her gaze linger on his tattoos. He felt a shiver run down his back when she touched one of the tattoos. She did not need to ask what each tattoo meant. It was as if she understood, even though nothing was spoken between them.

Maui moved his arms so he was supported by them while he was still sitting/lying and looked at her. She looked back and as she moved a little, her hair tickled his skin. It was hard to keep a serious face around her.

They looked at each other for a moment, and then she leaned forward. Maui did not expect her to act first but he just smiled and came closer as well. Their faces were inches apart. They saw every speck in each other's eyes. It was a magical moment they would never forget and so they kissed.

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