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Moana woke up startled. She just experienced a bone-chilling nightmare.

"Enjoy your beauty rest? You know, a real Wayfinder never they actually get where they need to go. Muscle up, buttercup. Were here." The sight before them was something else. In front of them, there was a rock that was so big, you could say from down below, it was touching the sky.

"You're sure this guys gonna have your hook?" Moana asked as the boat touched the shore. "Tamatoa? Oh, he'll have it. He's a scavenger. Collects stuff. Thinks it makes him look cool." Maui answered as he gave Heihei food and pointed at his mouth. He stood up and poked the chickens head down towards the food: "And for Tamatoa, trust hook is the coolest collectable."

As Moana was tying the boat she looked up towards the top of the rock, which was covered in clouds: "and he lives up there?" Maui came closer to her and chuckled: "no-no-no. That's just the um...Lalotai." As Maui smirked knowingly and turned around, Moana gasped and looked up: "Lalotai? Realm of monsters? Were going to the realms of monsters?" Maui already started to climb, but when he heard her question he chuckled again and turned around: "We? No. Me. You are gonna stay here with the other chicken. Pwackaa!" As he made the chicken noise he laughed and raised his hand towards mini Maui for a high-five. "That's what I'm talking about. Gimme some. Come one that was a good one. How do you not get it? I called her a chicken, there's a chicken on the boat. I know she's human, but that's not the... you know what? Forget it. Forget it! I'm not explaining it to you. 'Cause then it's not funny."

As Maui advanced up the rock, Leilani only watched as Moana started climbing up after him. Leilani could go with them, but that was not necessary as she remembered it turned out good afterwards. She just needed to wait for them to get back with Maui's hook.

She listened to their conversation up the rock. 'It chose me for a reason. If the oceans so smart why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself? Or bring me my hook? The oceans straight out kooky-dooks. But I'm sure it's not wrong about you. You're the Chosen One!'

Leilani scoffed. If only it were that easy. She would do it alone. But that was not her choice to make.

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