A Thousand Years Late Reunion

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It wasn't that long of a journey before I came to Maui's island. It wasn't an island, more of a big pile of rocks.

It looked exactly like in the movie. The sandy beach, the destroyed rocks with lines that show how much days he spent here. It looked lonely.

I stepped out of the water carefully not wanting to alert him. I was positive he was still here. Just where?

My dress hung on my body and my hair was drying rather slowly. I was itchy all over as I didn't have a proper shower in quite a long time and I didn't find Maui even though I searched almost everywhere.

I was walking to the last spot on the island which was the highest. I was talking to myself irritated just why did I come here. But then I came to the top and all my irritation went away.

The wind blew in my direction as I saw a hunched up back before me. I stretched my arm forward and opened my mouth to call out to him, but nothing came out. I just watched him and hoped he would turn around. But he didn't.

A soft smile adorned my face. This was enough. Seeing him was enough. I took a step back, wanting to just go back to the sea.

But it was like the gods saw what I was trying to do and coincidentally a strong gust of wind blew again straight into me making my hair go everywhere around me. I tried getting it into place and when I looked back up again with my cheeks a little red from my "exercise" I saw him looking at me.

Maybe it was because we were in some sort of version of Moana, or it was my imagination playing tricks on me, but at that moment for me, the world stopped.

The wind stopped his game and went away, while the stars danced in the sky with the moon. The night sky didn't seem to be dark but rather the stars shined brighter than they ever did before. Maui stood a few meters away at the edge of the cliff looking at me, and at that moment I wished he had the same thoughts and sight as I.

I felt warmth spread to my chest and up to my cheeks. I smiled shyly and waved. Why did I do that? I wouldn't even know in the future.

As I waved I put Maui out of his trance as he looked me up and down and smirked at me. It was similar to our first encounter. As I thought of that memory my smile became more full and my eyes sparkled as the memory played in my mind.

I grabbed the end of my dress so I can run to him.

If the world can stop, then I can run to him like in romcoms women do and at least hug him.

So I gave it a try to run to him, but just before we collided I let go of my dress to jump into his arms and what does my clumsy self do? I trip.

As I tripped he tried to catch me but we lost balance and fell. We fell off a cliff.

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