The movie changes

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I looked back and forth.








I sighed and turned towards the Kakamora. My figure emerged as I walked on the water's surface towards the coconuts. I put my hair in a ponytail as the water pushed me to the very top of the main ship where the chicken was stashed.

The coconuts went crazy and jumped at once.

There were so many.

So heavy.

The little bodies that jumped on me wiggled around as if not comfortable themselves.

Just a few seconds later all the coconuts, that were on me, were in the air from a water surge from my body. I quickly grabbed Heihei and as I jumped from a high ground so I had just so much time to look for the little boat with Moana and Maui. They weren't far away, but just enough for me to release Heihei and clap my hand together and submerge into the sea.

When I clapped two enormous waves raised from nothing and clashed together just where the ships of the coconuts were. The ships collapsed with the waves and sunk towards the bottom of the ocean.

As I opened my eyes the first thing I do is make an air bubble for Heihei and then calm the water.

My body went back to my water form and so I went into the direction of Maui and Moana.


When I came they didn't even notice me. They were arguing. At that moment I was happy. Maybe I still have a, he did not share the same strong feelings for me. Don't get your hopes up.

I quietly put the chicken on the boat and submerged back into the sea.

Heihei looked right and left before he walked between the arguing pair. Quite some time passed until they noticed the unharmed and not so dead chicken. And it was because Heihei started to choke on the Heart. Moana quickly grabbed the heart and then checked the chicken while Maui just stared and said nothing.


"Congratulations on not being dead, girlie. You surprise me. But I'm still not taking that thing back," Maui said, as he walked to the front of the boat. "You wanna get to Te Fiti, you gotta go through a whole ocean of bad. Not to mention Te Kā," he pointed at his upper right back tattoo. "Lava monster? Ever defeated a lava monster?" he asked rhetorically, but Moana sassily replied: "No, have you?", which made Maui frown and turn away from her.

He tried to save at least some of his pride by saying: "I'm not going on some suicide mission with some mortal. You can't restore the heart without me... and me says no." He takes a banana from the storage and walks back to steer the boat. "I'm getting my hook. End of discussion," he says as he takes his oar.

Moana groans at the stubborn man, but then she notices his tattoos and comes towards Maui. In a singsong voice, she says: "You'd be a hero. That's what you're all about right?" Maui bites down on his banana and while munching says back: "little girl, I am a hero."

Moana knowingly takes the peel out of his hand: "Maybe you were but now... now you're just the guy who stole the heart of Te Fiti. The guy who cursed the world. You're no one's hero." She finishes as she takes a bite of the banana.

Maui scoffs: "No one?" and looks at Moana as she shakes her head no. Heihei was just Heihei and when he looked at the ocean for affirmation I confirmed Moanas sentence as I knew the story of Maui and how the people imagined him now.

Maui looked down, a little sadness showed on his face, which made my heartache, but Moana grabbed this chance and showed him the heart: "but...put this the'd be everyone's hero".

It was working. Maui's smile was back on. He stood up: "we'd never make it without my hook. Not past Te Kā". Moana quickly said: "then we get your hook. We get your hook, take out Te Kā, restore the heart....unless you don't wanna be...Maui, demigod of the wind and sea. Hero to...all".

After a few seconds: "first we get my hook". "Then save the world", Moana intervened.

Deal? Deal.

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