viii. lover, please stay

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in which the strength of the friendship between three boys deepens and mike wheeler confronts caleb moore about his strange behaviour

lover, please stay | trick or treat, freak

〖 take from me whatever you want, whatever you need - but lover, please stay with me 〗

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take from me whatever you want, whatever you need - but lover, please stay with me


CALEB AND Will didn't say anything about what they had seen when they were finally torn from their vivid hallucination by a frantic Mike - not even when all of their friends crowded around them or when Max persistently asked what had happened, or when Mike snapped at Dustin for trying to help him as he pulled the two boys to their feet and coaxed them back into the land of the living.

Caleb should have berated Mike for that, but his head had yet to catch up with him at that point.

He wasn't really aware of anything except for the feeling of his hand being clutched tightly in someone else's and the relentless buzzing that had filled his head at some point until he was sat on the floor of Mike's basement between the legs of his two friends, staring down at his hands and clenching his fists until the surge of pain finally brought him back to his own body.

"It's like I'm stuck." Will was saying, his voice airy and not quite there. "Just stuck."

"Like stuck in the Upside Down?"

"No," Will breathed in defeat, wetting his lips as he struggled to word his thoughts, "it's like... you know how on a - a View-Master, when it gets like-"

"Caught between two slides?" Mike offered.

"Yeah, exactly." Will sagged in relief that the phrase had been supplied to him, finding himself unable to form proper sentences with the rate his mind was working at. His heart was still racing and they had been sitting in Mike's basement for almost fifteen minutes, it was starting to get on his nerves. "Like - like one slide's our world, and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down."

Mike stayed silent as he mulled over his friend's words, thinking through every possibility and theory that he could conjure up as Caleb shifted on the wooden floor to make himself more aware of his surroundings, one hand curling around Will's ankle as if to mae sure the boy was still there with him and not stuck in the infernal purgatory they had glimpsed earlier that night.

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