Chapter 6: The Baking Failure & Pizza Parlor

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A/N: Hello my fellow Wattpaders, I don’t have much to say for today’s author’s note, so yeahz.

Dedication goes to @Fakezain for all the lovely comments, it’s much appreciated, my dear <33 x

Hope you all enjoy x


“Zayn, get your lazy arse up,” Liam demands, slapping Zayn’s bum and heading towards the kitchen where Zayn should’ve been an hour ago.

Zayn suppresses the squeak that’s begging to get out of his mouth at Liam’s hand on his own bum; his cheeks heat up without fail, and he feels a bit of a twitch down there.

Okay, okay, think about sad things. The cat that’s always outside across the street - cold and hungry - even when it’s raining, Augustus Waters’ death and Hazel Graze’s eulogy, the Backstreet Boys breaking up.

Surprisingly enough, it works. He hesitantly gets up and shuffles over towards the kitchen, where he sees Liam wearing a batman apron, hands on his hips, and staring at a bunch of baking supplies.

Whenever all of them had the same day off, they’d take the opportunity to bake cookies or brownies and have a mini-slumber party in their apartments. They’d take turns in who’d have to bake next and host the slumber party; sometimes it’d be at Louis’s apartment, and sometimes it’d be at Harry’s (Niall never got to host one because no one knows where the fuck he lives).

Sophia and Liam had always been in charge of baking the fresh goods; Sophia always took over and made some pretty fantastic brownies, Zayn hates to admit (Harry’s were better, but Zayn honestly believes Harry puts four pounds of sugar into the shit he bakes because Zayn would get this horrible sugar rush afterward ((Louis buys the baked goods and doesn’t even try to hide the evidence anymore)).

It’s the first time they’re doing it without Sophia, so Zayn actually has to help this time, even though he’s incredibly busy (and by busy, he means he just got the new Pokémon game and got his first gym badge).

“Please tell me you secretly bake sometimes, and that you know how to do…” Liam motions towards all the baking supplies in front of him. “Well, this.”

“I make a mean toast.”

Liam huffs in frustration as he stares at the box of brownie mix solemnly. “There’s a machine that does that for you; that doesn’t count.”

“I time it perfectly so that it doesn’t come out burnt or just being warm bread,” Zayn argues.

“That’s not very useful here, Zaynie.” Liam rubs his eyes and sits on the floor in defeat.

Zayn decides to take the spot next to him and shrugs his shoulders. “We could just go buy ‘em, yeah? Lou does it all the damn time, and no one gives a shit.”

“But no one says anything because it’s Louis; I don’t want to be a Louis!”

He merely rolls his eyes and takes his phone out, googling how to make brownies and cookies. “Let’s just work off of the instructions they give here, yeah?”

Liam scrunches his nose up in protest, but he doesn’t have any better ideas so he just gets up and heads over to the bowl containing flour. Zayn gets up as well and opens the box containing the brownie mix, sniffing it as if it were some foreign object. He’s exchanging looks from his phone and the brownie mix, wondering how on earth both of them instruct him to do entirely different things.

Liam’s smirking by now, a hand full of flour. To hell with this, he moves a little closer to Zayn and chucks the flour at Zayn’s face, laughing at how it coats only half of Zayn’s face so that the other half is completely clean ‘Two-face’ he thinks to himself, ‘like Batman’.

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