Chapter 15: The Kiss

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A/N: My chapter titles totally spoil everything and I cri

Anyway thanks for the wonderful feedback, I've enjoyed all of your comments so much! Dedication for this chapter goes to @mccall_me_maybe cause your comments always bring a smile to my face! I love them very much <3

Hope you guys enjoy! xx

"Liam... I-I'm in love with you."

Zayn's words float in the air for a while, like a feather caught in the wind, as he waits for Liam to react. He's expressionless, those brown eyes that used to be able to tell an entire story now empty and unreadable. And just like the feather, Zayn doesn't know if he's going to hold those words close or let them fall on to the palm of his hand, before he blows them away

"I'm not quite following. In love with me how? Like a friend?" Liam begins to chew on his nails, and Zayn has a feeling Liam knows all too well that it isn't like a friend, and he's just attempting to stall, maybe giving Zayn a chance to take his words back.

"No." Zayn shakes his head, gripping his thigh. "Fuck, Liam, way more than a friend. It's like a constant burning kind of love that nags at you until you can't take it anymore. It's literally right there all the time, like a weight on your shoulders. And no matter how hard I try to ignore it, you're always there to force me to notice it." Zayn laughs bitterly. "Who knows? Maybe I'm just using you as an excuse. I had all the time in the world to get over it, but I don't know. It's like I thrive on it. I need it, Liam," he cries. "And I don't want to need it."

Liam rubs his face and proceeds to squeeze strands of his hair between his fingers. He's clearly distressed, and Zayn's positive that isn't a sign of returning affections. "How long?" he finally asks, seemingly ignoring Zayn's previous words.

"Too long," the raven-haired male responds vaguely.

"How long?!" Liam shouts.

It's enough to make Zayn flinch and blurt out, "Since the day I met you."

"Oh, Zayn." Liam lets out a strangled cry and immediately gets up away from Zayn, as if Zayn were contagious with something. "That's two fucking years!" he exclaims. "I put you through so much shit- oh my god!" Liam gasps and covers his mouth, tears freely falling.

Liam's crying, and Zayn can't will himself to shed a single tear. He knows where this is going, but he still feels like he needs to worry about Liam more than himself, like he always has and always will.

"I f-forced you to hook me up with people," Liam chokes out as a sob escapes his mouth. "I tried to get with your bloody sister! Fuck, Zayn, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."


"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam whispers, arms dangling freely by his sides in defeat.

His knuckles begin to sting as the once wet blood becomes dry. The pain distracts him from the sick, hollow feeling he has inside. "How was I supposed to tell you? I didn't know how you would've reacted, and I was afraid of that!"

"But still!" The shouting, furrowed eyebrows, his frown, Zayn can tell Liam's angry. Angry at him, maybe? He's not so sure; he turns away from Liam, avoiding the brown eyes filled with rage. "If I had known," Liam continues. "If I had fucking known! I would've- I would've..."

"Would've what?"

Liam stops, completely comes to a halt. The anger seems to fade away, and his head hangs low as his gaze drops to the concrete floor beneath him. He remains silent as he sits down next to Zayn against the brick wall.

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