Chapter 12: The Apology Part 2

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A/N: I don't know why so many ideas are coming to me for this fic and this fic only lol. But this has happened before and it usually ends with a severe lack of ideas and updates that I call the 'writing drought' then the ideas come back in like a year lool.

This and another one? I don't know how many, but a few are going to be filler chapters.

But yeah, you guys seem to enjoy this fic a lot and have been giving this story a lot of support which I appreciate sooo much, so thank you guys again! (funny enough, ao3 prefer Charmless over Wingman and it's the opposite on Wattpad).

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy ! x

"Holy crap, he gave you all of this?!" Louis exclaims, motioning towards the many items that are currently placed on top of his coffee table.

He had just finished his shift, and Zayn had waited for him the entire time, not daring to leave the store because of the silly fear of running into Liam. So now, the both of them had made it back to Louis's apartment with Liam's gifts spread across Louis's table. Harry's seated in front of the gifts, examining them and paying special attention to the red gummy bears.

"Fucking hell, yeah the bloody idiot did. That's not even the worst part," Zayn replies as he digs through the pocket of his jeans and fishes out the envelope with the cash Liam had given him inside.

"Whoa," Louis mumbles in awe, taking out the stack of cash and counting it. "You're not... You know, taking this, are you? Cause that's a bit—"

"Too much, yeah I know." Zayn sighs and rubs his face, already feeling immensely tired. "I'm not taking it. I can't."

"What? Why not?!"

Zayn furrows his eyebrows and stares at Louis, dumbfounded. "You just told me it was way too much."

"Yeah, but...." He begins playing with the stack of cash, measuring it in his hand and throwing it back and forth between his right and left hand. "Think of all the krispy kreme donuts you can buy with this."

"Fuck's sake, Loueh, we've got to give it back to 'im. He sold his goddamn batman action figure for it. In fact, we've got to give everything back—" Zayn completely freezes once he turns around and sees Harry with a mouth full of gummy bears.

"Soweh," Harry says, mouth full. He spits the red candy into the bag and hands it to Zayn, wide smile plastered onto his face.

Zayn snatches the bag out of Harry's grip and examines its contents. The only remaining gummy bears are the ones that Harry spit out. He hands it back to him and sighs. "I knew you were way too quiet."

Harry shrugs as he spills the rest of the gummy bears back in his mouth.

Louis scrunches his nose in disgust. "Gross, Harold."

Zayn collapses on the couch, nearly hitting Harry in the face with his hand. "What do I do?" Zayn groaned, laying his hand over his forehead dramatically.

"Well, do you forgive him or not? That's the question."

Zayn sits up and frowns. "Of course I do, I'd be an idiot not to. But I don't think I can go back to being his wingman again; that shit hurt way too much, much more than I was willing to admit it did."

Louis gives him a look of pity, and Zayn hates it so much. But he's kept his feelings bottled up for way too long, and he'd be fine ignoring the look of pity, so long as he felt the relief of finally admitting his fears to Louis.

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