Chapter 14: The Confession

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A/N: So as you can tell by the title, there is a confession. But who confesses? What's the confession? Idk! You'll have to read to find out! Dun dun dun

Dedication for this chapter couldn't go to just one person. It goes to all of you because you all saw how nervous I was about the last chapter and yet you had nothing but reassurances for me, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! You guys bring out such bright smiles from me, thank you so much <3 x.

This is probably gonna be a long chappie my friends , sit down and enjoy some cereal

Hope you guys enjoy ! x

Several days go by, and Zayn finds himself exactly where he had started, as if the fight between Liam and himself hadn't happened. He's had to be a wingman for Liam for the past three days, and he's right back to being hidden in his room, alone, with headphones on and his phone with the loudest possible volume.

There were several nights where he'd cry himself to sleep, and other nights where he pretended he was someplace else and not forced to face the consequences of unrequited love.

"Just tell him," Louis advises him. He's noticed the blue-eyed brunet says this to him every time they talk, so this is about the millionth time Zayn has been forced to hear it.

"Sure, sure, let me tell one of my best friends that I'm absolutely, pathetically, and wholeheartedly in love with him! Why don't I just move out and tell him to never talk to me again? It's the same thing, innit?" Zayn runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he paces himself around Louis's small apartment.

"Calm down, ya twat," Louis replies. He gets up and encases Zayn's hands in his own tightly to keep him from pacing. "This is something you have to do. You need a drink? You get up and get one. You need money? You get a job. You're in love with someone to the point where it's killing you? You tell them."

Zayn yanks his hands away from Louis, hard enough so that Louis would know just how much of what he told him pisses him off. "S'not easy... It's..." He takes a moment and mulls things over before settling his hazel-eyes on the brunet in front of him, determination settling within them. "How come you're so hesitant on becoming a couple with Harry when you lot are absolutely enamored with each other?"

Louis takes a moment to reel his around the sudden topic change. "What?"

"It's because you're afraid. You're afraid it's going to change things between you, yeah?" Zayn has his eyes fixated on Louis and it makes the slightly shorter male gulp. "Yeah, you're afraid. You ignore it, what's happening between the two of you, and you choose to act like everything's okay when it's not. And you're trying to get me to confess to someone when you're doing the same thing I'm doing? That's absolutely hilarious."

He sits on the couch after a few seconds of silence, not a peep coming from Louis. He doesn't stop there, though. He sends Louis a glare. "That's why you want me to say something, innit? Because you can't do it yourself, but you want to, oh boy, do you want to. So why not? Send someone in a similar predicament to test the waters for you, see if it's safe. You're just using me to be selfish, aren't you?"

After hearing those words come out of his best friend, Louis clenches his fist and marches right in front of Zayn, punching him straight in the face.

Zayn yelps and clutches his nose, eyes growing wide with surprise. Louis's eyes seem to widen with his and he reaches out to touch Zayn's face. "Oh shit, oh shit. I didn't think I'd punch you that hard. Holy crap." He immediately rushes out of the room and comes back moments later with a pack of frozen peas.

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