Chapter 11: The Apology Part 1

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A/N: It's really hard nowadays for me to be inspired to write. It's like my brain doesn't want to think about my stories anymore x.x (until last night at 2 am when I had to work the next day, thanks so much brain you suck). Thank you guys for continuously being here anyway, I appreciate the support so much. I promise I'll stick to this story until the end :)

Hope you guys enjoy!

"Please leave a message for—"

Zayn sighs heavily as he ends the call and places his phone on the coffee table in front of him.

"Something up?" Louis asks as he eats cereal, about to leave for work.

"It's nothing, I guess? Niall won't answer my messages," Zayn replies disappointedly. He's been trying to reach Niall last night after Louis told him Niall had to leave in a hurry for an emergency. Niall used to be the one who'd always text Zayn back, no matter what; he'd grown used to Louis always losing his phone and never replying, but Niall would answer him in seconds. Now he's sent over 20 messages and he's called him three times, but no answer.

Louis places his bowl in the sink and scratches the back of his head, avoiding Zayn's intense gaze. "Maybe he's busy? Leave the man alone."

Zayn narrows his eyes and furrows his eyebrows as he studies Louis's nervous body language. "Did you do something?"

"Fuck, Zayn! You always over analyze everything. Just let it go; he's probably doing something important, and you're bothering him, you bloody twat." Louis begins grabbing his keys and wallet, heading for the door.

"You didn't answer the—"

The door slams shut before Zayn can finish and he rolls his eyes, running his hand through his hair. Something is definitely going on between Louis and Niall, and it's beginning to affect his friendship with Niall. But before Zayn can think on the subject any longer, his phone buzzes with a notification from Facebook; he picks his phone up hastily, expecting a message from Niall.

You, Harry, Louis, +2

Harry: so um are we doing the sleepover thing this week? None of you have spoken to me and I don't know what's happening anymore. Liam still owes me 15 pounds for the pizza. Just thought I'd put that out there

Niall Horan has left the group.

Yeah, Niall's avoiding him. But why?

Louis: why didnt u just text us

Harry: when I asked Zayn for his number he told me to go away

Harry: also Liam told me to only text him for emergencies because I kept sending him cat videos

Harry: by the way here's a cat video I found that I really like

Liam: o fuk! zayn! pls pls pls if ur readin this tlk 2 me ! just give me 1 chance 2 say im sorry !

Zayn Malik has left the group.

The raven-haired male places his phone back in his pocket and grabs his keys. He's got additional problems to worry about other than Liam.

He arrives in front of the video game store and is relieved to see that it's only Louis working. It's as quiet as ever as he walks in to the empty store.

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