Chapter 2: The Break-Up

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A/N: We’re already on chapter 2, woo :D!

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, I feel like I’ve apologized for this a lot lol, but I’m so happy about all the great feedback this story is getting. You’re all wonderful and I love you guys so very much <3

Dedication goes to my longtime friend @ZDsmiles who’s always there to encourage me and is always so sweet and kind, love you my precious Di <333

Enjoy ^.^


“You know what sucks? Overpriced water at concerts,” Louis rants as he’s walking next to Zayn on the sidewalk.

It’s about 5 o’clock, and Louis and Zayn have just finished their shift; they’re walking towards the bowling alley, planning on meeting up with Harry and Niall.

Zayn just mindlessly nods his head as he pretends to listen to his friend and really just thinks about Liam, something he’s learned to do whenever Louis talks about random shit Zayn couldn’t care less about.

“I mean… It’s like they’re asking us to die of dehydration. They don’t let us bring any shit in so we have to buy their expensive ass water bottles, and we don’t have any goddamn money considering the tickets cost over 200 pounds, so we can’t fucking afford it. They swear their water bottles are filled with God’s tears or some bullshit,” Louis explains, moving his hands around in order to emphasize his frustration.

He tries to listen to Louis, he really does, but all he can focus on are beautiful, brown eyes, and plump, pink lips. He’s so focused on what Liam’s lips would feel like on his own that he doesn’t see a lamp post until he walks right into it, hitting himself right on his forehead.

He winces in pain and glares at Louis who’s fallen over from laughter. “Fuck you, that really hurt,” Zayn complains, rubbing his forehead.

It takes a good four minutes for Louis to stop laughing; he stands back up and brushes himself off. “I would’ve warned you about it, but considering you had been ignoring me the whole damn time, I thought to myself: why can't I have this one thing? Didn’t think you would’ve actually run into it, though, good shit.”

Zayn scoffs and ignores him, thinking it’s best this way before they argue in the middle of the street and someone ends up calling the police again (long story).

“So what’s got you so pre-occupied that you’ve forgotten how to avoid bumping into lamp posts?” Louis lets out a small giggle near the end and tries to play it off by coughing.

He rolls his eyes and shrugs. “I dunno… the economy?”

“I doubt you even know what that means, imbecile.” Louis pats him on the back, hard, and smirks. “You’re thinking about Liam again, aren’t you? Does he even know you’re gay?”

When Zayn first met Liam, all he talked about was his relationship with Sophia, and Zayn nodding his head along – because that's what Zayn does, he nods his head – caused Liam to assume Zayn understood having 'girlfriend' problems which, in turn, caused Liam to assume Zayn was and still is straight (at least, that’s what Niall told him after Liam spoke to him about meeting Zayn).

Zayn never had the heart to tell him he's actually gay from fear of Liam finding out about Zayn's desperate love for him.

He let out a groan. “No…”

“Oh my god, he doesn’t?! How do you expect to go anywhere with him like that? Zayn, you need to—”

“Look, we’re here!” Zayn exclaims, quickly interrupting Louis and running inside. He spots Harry and Niall and walks up to them, Louis not far behind.

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