Chapter 8: The Return of Sophia

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A/N: Elloo! I guess I don't have much to say, haha. We're really close to 9k reads and 1k votes and that's freaking incredible and ily all okay, ily all so very much <33 (P.S On Monday - which is tomorrow - (March 16th) some dairy queens are giving away 1 free small vanilla cone (1 per customer) all day long, so you should go to your local dairy queen and check :P. I swear I'm not advertising; free ice cream is boss!)

Dedication goes to @talabama for all the lovely comments you've left :) <33 ily x

Hope you enjoy :D


Zayn doesn't mean to, but he ends up leaving his apartment with Riley and Samantha. Samantha smirks at him while giving him her number so he can pass it on to Liam. Riley smiles solemnly as she catches Zayn ripping the paper up out of the corner of her eye.

She offers to give him her number so they can text, but Zayn only flips her off in response before he's getting into his car and driving off.

This is why I like guys, Zayn thinks sourly as he pulls into the store's parking lot. He half expects Louis to already be behind the counter but is quite surprised at the fact that he has to open up the shop. He never does it.

Louis hasn't texted him back, so Zayn's going to assume Louis's ignoring him. His assumptions are proven correct when Louis enters 20 minutes after him and heads directly to the back room, avoiding Zayn's' eyes.

Great, now he's got an upset best friend to worry about, too. As if helping the man he's in love with get laid isn't enough.

Louis emerges from the back room and is stood in front of him before he can go rip him a new one himself. He's staring at the floor and rubbing his arm. "Z, we've gotta talk..."

"The fuck did I do this time?"

"No, no." Louis shakes his head and actually looks at Zayn this time. "You didn't do anything; it's just... last night..."

Zayn's eyebrow raises in question. "Last night? What's that got to do—" He stops himself and groans in realization. "You and Harry? That's what this is about?!"

"Look, I know what you saw seems a bit sketchy, since I told you Harry and I weren't a 'thing', but—"

"Loueh, I don't fucking care! I'm just about ready to kill someone with all the shit Liam's been having me do for him," he rants, taking the stress ball (he never needed one until now) out of his back pocket and squeezing it as hard as he can, "Whatever's going on between the two of you is just that, between the two of you."

"So... you're not going to tell Niall or Liam?"

"No," Zayn replies, annoyed and agitated, "I just want Liam Payne to fucking love meh." He bangs his head against the counter. "I sound like a right twat, don't I?"

"Yeah." Louis laughs as Zayn throws the stress ball at him. He dodges it and rubs Zayn's back. "I mean, a love-sick twat. Don't think that makes things any better, though."

He huffs in frustration. "Doniya's visiting tomorrow, too. That should be bloody magnificent, shouldn't it? I'm going to end up being a dick to her because I've been so fucking angry lately."

"Your sister's coming? Why?"

"She wants to see me, misses me or summat—" His cellphone goes off and interrupts him. He checks the caller ID, and it's from a number he doesn't recognize. He's going to end up punching a hole in the wall if that Riley chick somehow got his number.

"What?" he answers, tone sharp and aggressive.

"Zayn? Sorry if I'm calling at a bad time. Liam is—" His eyes widen, and he looks over at Louis. It's Sophia. There's a crash in the background that is no doubt the thing that interrupted her.

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