Chapter 4: The Accidental Wingman

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a/n: helloooo, sorry for the lateish update, you guys hear me say that a lot lol oops, let’s get right to it then

dedication goes to @MusicIsSanity for requesting an update and being supportive ^.^ xx


Zayn patiently waits outside of Liam’s room, leaning against the doorway, as he watches Liam carelessly throw a load of clothes out of his closet. The rest of the gang had agreed on going out and left to go get changed; Zayn’s usually the one who takes forever to get ready (usually looking for something that could somehow manage to catch Liam’s attention), but here he is, standing in a tight, long-sleeved gray shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, skinny jeans, and some grey high-tops he managed to find, watching Liam fish through a mountain of clothes.

“Zayn, I have nothing to wear; I should stay home,” Liam explains, giving up and collapsing on to his bed.

Zayn shakes his head and sighs; Louis would kill him if Liam ends up locking himself in his room again. He walks in and looks through some clothes before picking out a white shirt and Liam’s leather jacket, that Zayn somehow inspired Liam to get, and gives it to him. “Just go with something simple, yeah?”

Liam looks at the clothes for a second before shrugging his shoulders and taking his shirt off… right in front of Zayn. Zayn can automatically feel his cheeks heat up as he scans over Liam’s toned body and his huge biceps. He quickly hands Liam the clothes before briskly leaving the room, fighting the urge to look back and stare at Liam until his eyes fall out.

It only takes a few minutes before Liam’s emerging from his room, looking as gorgeous as he manages to look every single day. Liam raises his eyebrow as he stands in front of Zayn, his arms crossed. “Sorry about taking my shirt off, didn’t think you’d feel that uncomfortable with the male body. I get it, you’re into tits.”

“N-No, it’s not that,” Zayn quickly interjected, “It’s just… I had… g-gas?” And then Zayn realizes what he says when Liam gives him the most disturbed look ever. “Like, a burp… not a far—you know what, are you excited for tonight?”

Liam sighs and sits on the couch next to Zayn (and Zayn mentally curses when he feels Liam’s knee pressed tightly against his own). “To be honest, mate, not really. It just all feels a bit… too soon, y’know? I swear I was just with her yesterday, and now I feel like if I get drunk, I’ll just be the sobbing mess that everyone will want to take the piss out of.”

Zayn’s about to respond before his text alert goes off and he reads his recent text.

9:40 pm From: Nialler :) x

come on out babe we’re waitin

“Well, they’re here; we should head out,” Zayn says, getting up and heading out the door with Liam nodding and following in suit.

They reach the club in a matter of minutes and it isn’t until they’re inside that Zayn remembers why he despises going to clubs. He looks around the mainly dark place – only illuminated here and there by strobe lights – that is filled to the brim with people, the place reeking of alcohol and sweat, and already wants to go home. He brushes the hair off of his forehead and reminds himself that he’s here for Liam to get better as heads deeper into the club with Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niall right by him.

It’s almost as if it’s every man left for themselves as Harry grips Louis’s wrist and runs off with him and Liam goes into the corner of the club, isolating himself from the rest. It’s only him and Niall left and Niall smiles at him sweetly, waiting for Zayn to choose something for them to do.

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