Chapter 1: The Intro

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  • Dedicated to all of you lovely readers

A/N: Bam! The first chapter! I chose to wrote this instead of study and I’m 100% sure I will regret my decision tomorrow, but hey, I tried to study and I couldn’t focus so… yeah.

Dedication goes to all of those who commented and voted for this story and supported me! I honestly don’t know what I’d do without all you lovely people <3

Enjoy xx

P.S: The picture on the side is adorable and I love it.


It’s a Monday afternoon and Zayn stands behind the cash register and watches one of his best friends, Louis, attempt to stack as many video games as he can. The business is slow most of the time, it only gets extremely busy when a new game comes out, and a shitload of people go to pre-order it.

Did Zayn mention he’s a 23-year-old man working in a video game store?

Yeah, he thinks it’s a bit pathetic, too.

His group of friends consist of five people, there’s Niall, who’s also 23 and is quite chill and sensible, he’s always there to help him out whenever Harry and Louis decide to force Zayn into being a third wheel. Harry, as mentioned earlier, is 22 and has a talent of making the stupidest jokes during the worst times to make jokes, the only reason Zayn knows him is because of Louis. Louis is also 23 and has been friends with Zayn since they were both in grade school, he has a tendency to make Zayn do all the work and is only there to be sarcastic and make his own witty comments.

And then there’s Liam.

Kind, hot, and amazing Liam, who Zayn finds irresistible, he and Zayn have been friends for a little over 2 years. Zayn met Liam through Niall since they seemed to know each other as long as Zayn has known Louis, and almost immediately, Zayn was smitten.

He didn’t mean to end up living with Liam, it just kind of happened, with Zayn’s still shit salary, he was poor as fuck and couldn’t afford a flat of his own. He didn’t know where Niall lived (and he doesn’t think anyone else does, really), Harry was (still is) weird, and Louis was (also still is) a dick and didn’t want to share with him, and so Liam offered a spare room he had and Zayn kindly took the offer.

Except when he moved in, he didn’t expect to find Liam’s girlfriend, Sophia, now sharing a room with Liam since Zayn took her old one (it still smells like coconuts and Zayn hates coconuts), to be there as well.

He’s tried to work around the couple, really, tried to switch his hours so that he’d work when Liam was off and was off when Liam worked. It was working fine until Liam noticed and changed his hours so that he could ‘spend quality time with Zayn’. So now he’s forced to watch movies next to Sophia and Liam who always decide the movie is never interesting enough to maintain their attention and make out instead.

And Zayn wants to hate Liam for never telling him that his girlfriend lived with him, which was vital information, but he can’t because Liam is Liam and Zayn loves him.

So every night Zayn sleeps with a frown because he hates where he lives, and it’s really bad on those nights that he can hear them through the thin walls, he’d rather not get into too much detail with that.

All thoughts are put aside when a loud crash catches Zayn’s attention, he turns to find Louis sitting on the floor with games toppled all over him.

“You can’t behave for one goddamn second?” Zayn sighs and begins to pick up all of the games knowing full well Louis would never get around to it.

Louis gets up, brushes himself off, and sits on the counter, watching Zayn and not helping, as always. “Well I’m fucking bored, what do you want me to do?”

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