Chapter 5: The Gay Club

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A/N: hey guys, just want to give you a quick thanks for the support; it’s really great how amazing you’ve all been, seriously, thank you so much <333

Dedication goes to @ZaynJPayne bc she’s an amazing person as well as an amazing author, and she’s just a perfect little sunshine, love you Sahar <3333333333

This is just one of those filler chapters where Zayn’s continuing his role as a wingman, there’ll be a lot of those.

Hope you enjoy ^.^

Parking in front of the store, Zayn can already see an angry Louis throwing what seemed to be coins at a cowering Niall – who’s standing in the corner of the store, trying to dodge the coins, but failing to do so – and Harry’s only encouraging it by cheering Louis on and giving him his own coins.

He sighs, already expecting to be put in the middle and forced to pick a side. He walks in and is confronted by the three men in an instant, getting shouted at while their fingers point in every direction.

“Would you lads mind shutting the fuck up?!” Zayn exclaims over their shouting; they all quiet down and look at Zayn expectantly. “What the hell happened?”

“Niall called me a cunt!” Louis shouts, attempting to shove Niall, but failing utterly when Niall moves aside, and he falls towards the floor; Harry tries to catch his arm, but only gets dragged down with him, bumping into Zayn and knocking him over as well.

“See?!” Louis argues from the floor, “He’s like a plague; we’re all going to die with that evil leprechaun around.”

Niall gasps and places his hand over his heart while helping Zayn up with his other hand. “Ouch, that stings, Lou.”

Louis gets up and glares at Niall. “You deserve it, evil prick.”

“Okay, okay,” Zayn intervenes, “Can’t you two get along for, like, at least a day? It’s been non-stop fighting between you both since the day you’ve met.”

“He always starts it, Zaynie. I can’t help it; he’s a right twat, that’s what he is,” Niall grumbles while hiding behind Zayn, expecting Louis to reach over and use violence like he always does.

“You called me a cunt!”

“Ye smacked me in the back of me head!”

Louis’s seething now, and Harry’s trying with all his might to hold the little ball of fury back. “You fucking deserved it, god damn wanker!”

“All I said was that the store was empty!”

"You said it rudely; you fucking disgrace—”

“I’m Liam’s wingman,” Zayn blurts out, quickly covering his mouth when Niall and Louis stop to look over at him, shocked.

“What, you mean, like, you help him fly and stuff?” Harry asks, not understanding why everyone’s so shocked.

And for the millionth time, all three of them look at Harry with disappointment in their eyes, before Louis sighs and explains, “No, Haz, a wingman is someone who helps one of their mates get laid by convincing other people they’re the shit.” He then turns to Zayn and shakes his head. “Meaning the complete opposite of confessing your long-time love to them.”

Zayn shrugs, “It sorta happened; I can’t help it.”

“So… Now yer gonna help Liam out, even though it’s gonna hurt ya?” Niall questions, eyes filled with concern.

Wingman ⇝ {Ziam}Where stories live. Discover now