Chapter 3: The 'Get Liam Out of His Room' Operation

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A/N: My sister is like stressing about finals and I feel like I should be, too, but I haven’t even started studying and studying will probs make me stressed.

Oh well.

Anyway, thank you guys again for all the support you’ve given this story, I probably wouldn’t have continued it if it weren’t for you guys, and I really like this story, so thanks again, you’re such precious human beings <333

Dedication for this chapter goes to @InhumanlyZee for being supportive of my stories and for being an adorable cupcake, love you Zed<33

Enjoy ^.^


Zayn has his forehead pressed against the counter, trying to escape reality and refusing to look at anyone or anything.

It has been a few weeks since Liam locked himself in his room, only leaving for work and to use the bathroom. When Sophia had come back for her things, Liam had locked himself in Zayn’s room to avoid seeing her. He remained in Zayn’s room even when Zayn was trying to convince him that Sophia had already left.

Liam must’ve left Zayn’s room during the night while Zayn was asleep on the couch.

It’s incredibly depressing having to endure meals alone, watch movies alone, and just be alone all the time. It has gotten so bad that Zayn had even talked to himself a few times during breakfast (he pretended Liam was an apple and then proceeded to eat him for being so ridiculous).

He’s tried to coax Liam into leaving his room, bribing him with sweets or fast food or even video games, but none of it had worked; he only achieved in getting Liam to say one thing to him, ‘I’ll leave when you get Sophia to be with me again’. And Zayn had actually tried to get Sophia to come back, but when he was preparing himself mentally to talk to her in front of her cousin’s door (where she’s apparently staying temporarily), he could see her in the arms of another man through the window and decided to leave (he thinks it’s best to keep that minor detail from Liam).

He’s out of options and desperate, and he can only bring himself to bang his head against the counter as he reminds himself just how much more shitty the situation has become.

The store’s door opening and closing didn’t even catch his attention (then again, he did text Niall to come visit him a couple of minutes ago, so he’s about 96% sure it’s Niall). He hears footsteps and then feels a presence in front of him as well and gets a good whiff of Niall’s familiar cologne.

Niall sighs as he watches his friend in distress. “Oh, Zee…” He reaches over, grabbing Zayn by the chin and lifts his head up gently, smiling sadly at his upset friend.

“Hi, Ni,” Zayn mumbles, just about ready to live in an alleyway and never interact with anyone ever again.

“Hi, babe,” Niall replies as he cups Zayn’s cheek and gently rubs it with his thumb, staring deeply into Zayn’s hazel eyes.

Zayn leans into Niall’s touch, enjoying the extra attention that no one ever seems to give Zayn, and sighs happily. Zayn knows this is Niall’s own way of comforting Zayn; he’s never comfortable speaking of Liam and Zayn’s situation (probably since they’re both his best friends, and he doesn’t want to end up having to choose sides, Zayn assumes). He would only listen and add a few comments when Zayn would rant his frustrations away, letting him know when Zayn was in the wrong.

They remain like that for a few seconds, until a door slamming shut is heard followed by light, running footsteps and then Louis is appearing out of nowhere, karate chopping Niall’s arm.

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