Chapter 13: The Reverse Wingman

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A/N: so yeah, I know some of you are getting annoyed with the fact that zayn hasn't said crap to liam but just bear with me yeah? in due time, my friends, in due time.

I know you guys must be annoyed with these filler chapters, im sorry, but it's what we have to deal with ya know? Every story has them and all. Can't rush things and such. But it'll be very drama-filled soon! Promise!

Dedication goes to @jesusthefourth for the wonderful comments and the equally wonderful support! Your stories are wonderful and I enjoy them dearly (as should the rest of you, check them out if you'd like!)

(This is a filler chapter btw. Sorry if you hate it)

Hope you enjoy <333 x

Zayn didn't know if he felt relieved or aggravated that he was now back at working at the video game store. He certainly missed the paychecks, but the customers were something else, something frustrating.

"Look ma'am," Zayn begins with an abrasive tone, "I can't refund you for the blouse." As soon as the woman in front of him opens her mouth to protest, Zayn holds up his hand to keep her quiet. "I don't care if you've only worn it once. This is a video-game store. We do not sell blouses or any other type of clothing here."

The lady once again ignores him and insists on handing him the plastic bag containing different articles of clothing. "I want my £300 back."

"Ma'am, I can't refund you—" Zayn stops himself from creating an even larger headache and goes to his last resort. "If you won't comply, I have no choice but to call security."

Just at the mere mention of security, the older woman's eyes widen and she hastily leaves the store without so much as a second glance. Zayn doesn't know why that always works, but he doesn't question it nonetheless, anything to get rid of moronic customers.

"I'm still trying to figure out if the pay here is worth dealing with that," Zayn says distastefully.

"Oi, you don't get to complain. You were able to get a three week vacation. I had to pick up hours because of you," Louis replies, flipping through a magazine behind the counter.

"Hardly a three week vacation with all the shit going on with Liam. That and I need money so badly that I've actually considered prostitution opportunities near me." After paying this month's rent, Zayn's checking account has reached to around 10 pounds and some change he had found in the couch of Louis's living room.

Louis gives a half-suppressed laugh. "Don't be an idiot; you know you're still a fucking virgin."

Zayn rolls his eyes and yanks the magazine out of Louis's grip, throwing it in the trash bin. "Oh shove off, you know that's not true, goddamn arse."

The blue-eyed brunet merely glares at Zayn, having no problem with reaching inside of the trash and removing the magazine, flipping through it once again. "With the amount of time it's been since you've gotten laid, you might as well be." He ignores Zayn's harsh 'fuck you' and quickly changes the subject. "So s'alright between you and Liam?"

Zayn shrugs his shoulders and rubs his hands against the sides of his dark, skinny jeans. "Alright as it can be, I guess. Bloody idiot had to sleep with me the night I moved back in, said he missed me too much and had to know if it was real or summat; needless to say I couldn't sleep the entire night, slept from noon to midnight the next day."

"That's actually adorable. Has he given you any wingman duties?"

The raven-haired male shakes his head and gives a sigh of relief. "Thankfully no, but he wants to go out tonight. So that might possibly change." He leans against the counter with his ink-coated arms resting on top of it. "I don't know if I can handle it, Lou."

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