Chapter 21: The Hero Turned Villain

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a/n: that title is so uncreative and ugly but I struggled for so long trying to come up with it SIGH.

Anyway, hopefully this chappie isn't too bad!

Enjoy xx

Too bright.

An incredibly illuminated room blinds his vision as his eyes flutter open. He's almost certain he's made his way into heaven, until he's able to spot a familiar blond haired male seated right next to him, fast asleep with tiredness etched on to his features.

His right arm sits uncomfortably on his chest, stuck in a cast and wrapped up securely in a sling. The light throbbing he feels in his head causes Zayn to reach up, finger tips ghosting over a bandage placed on the side of his head.

Zayn attempts to sit up, groaning with every movement. It's like he's unfamiliar with his body, as if he hasn't been able to use it in a while.

The slight rustling of the bed sheets causes Niall to stir and awaken, sitting up immediately at the sight of Zayn upright and conscious. "Holy shit..." the blond gets up and rushes out of the room, shouting for a nurse, doctor, anything.

It takes about twenty minutes for the nurse to examine Zayn, making sure nothing vital was lost in the accident he's anxious to ask about.

Once the nurse disappears and Zayn's left alone with his thoughts, Niall joins him soon after. He takes a seat in the cushiony chair next to Zayn's hospital bed and grabs his hand, tears beginning to form at the corner of his soft, blue eyes. "You got a concussion. They weren't sure when you'd wake up, but it's been four days. I was so fucking scared, Zayn—"

"Liam?" Zayn blurts out, ignoring the fact he'd been stuck in a slumber for four days. He remembers seeing him before abruptly passing out as soon as their eyes met.

Niall's taken aback by the sudden mention of his friend's name. "What?"

"Is... Is he here?" He looks over towards the doorway, half-expecting to see the mentioned male stood there with get-well balloons and flowers in his hands.

"No?" Niall tilts his head, in an almost dog-like manner, and gives Zayn a look of confusion. "I haven't heard from him in a while. I don't think you have, either."

Zayn's eyebrows furrow. Had Liam saved him then ran off? "What do you mean? He saved me; he's the one who pulled me out of my car."

"Zayn..." Niall's grip becomes a bit tighter on Zayn's hand, and he frowns. "That was me."

And before Zayn can protest, swearing he looked into a pair of brown eyes he's absolutely familiar with, Louis barges into his room (Harry trailing right behind him), dropping a plastic bag which probably contains food, and rushing onto Zayn's bed. He jumps on top of Zayn, nearly knocking him over, wrapping his arms tight around him and burying his head in the crook of Zayn's neck. "You fucking piece of shit, don't you scare me like that ever again! I thought I lost you..." he whispers the last part. He can feel a slight wetness against his neck, no doubt tears coming from his best friend, who's clinging tightly on to him, as if his life depended on it.

"Louis," Zayn croaks, groaning in pain. "That hurts."

Louis quickly lets go and gets off of Zayn, gasping and wiping away at his teary eyes. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

Zayn chuckles, shaking his head. "It's fine, Lou. So what happened?"

"Ooh!" Harry exclaims, raising his hand and waving it wildly in the air. "Pick me, pick me!"

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