Chapter 10: The Confrontation

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A/N: Sorry I've been a butt, but everything I've been writing has been pure garbage. It's been so hard to write lately and I don't know why. I can't find the right words for things like I used to. But yeah, this didn't come out as great as I wanted it to, but I've been desperate to put something out there.

Hope you guys enjoy anyway x <33

The first day is uneventful; Zayn's quiet and doesn't really speak to Louis. He stares out the window as if he were in some form of a movie or a music video. Louis leaves him alone; he seems to be the only one that notices Zayn's phone going off every 10 minutes.

The second day is when Zayn's ready to tell Louis what happened. He's fast in letting out the explanation, afraid if he talks about it any longer he'll cry. He does. Louis hugs him tight.

The third day is different, however. The blue-eyed brunet walks in and finds his long-time friend spread all over his couch, fast asleep. He looks outside and sees the sun is ready to set, and he rolls his eyes. He's just about had enough.

Zayn sits upright, screaming after Louis leaves a resounding smack in the center of his forehead. "Ow! What'd ya have to go and do that for?!" he exclaims while rubbing his now red forehead.

"You've been doing nothing for the past three days, dammit! The sun is literally setting, and you're still asleep! Your beard is out of control, for fuck's sake!" Louis replies, glaring at Zayn as he rises from his seated place on the couch.

"So you want me to shave? That's what this is about?" Zayn questions.

"No! I want you to talk to Liam, sort your shit out already. Stop hiding in a corner, hating life, and avoiding the outside world as much as possible."

Zayn's phone goes off and Louis's quick to snatch it away from Zayn's grasp.

From: Liam P.

text #47 yes im still keepin count tlk 2 me zayn please im beggin pick up ur phone pleeease

Louis sighs just as Zayn's phone starts to ring, signaling that Liam's calling him. He gives Zayn a cold, hard stare as the ringing continues. Zayn doesn't reach out to answer it.

The phone is tossed aside once it stops ringing, and Louis is ready to lecture Zayn before a faint buzz interrupts him. He lets in whoever is buzzing, assuming it's Harry.

An awkward silence fills the air as Louis mindlessly chews on his nails, thinking over what to say to Zayn. He has to get Liam and Zayn together; it's been something he's been striving for since Zayn confessed the feelings he's had for Liam. He wants Zayn to be happy. He needs it.

"I invited Niall over," Zayn says, breaking the silence.

"Fuck, Zayn, it's my bloody flat, not yours," Louis responds, headache now growing at the thought of the carefree blond with the happy mood that always seems to be radiating off of him.

Zayn shrugs. "I need a friend."

"What the hell am I?"

"Ehhh..." Zayn turns away and avoids looking at Louis as he turns on the television.

Louis glares at the back of Zayn's head. "Go live with the almighty Niall, then, arse."

"No one knows where the hell he lives, Lou."

"Dammit, you're right, that shit—"

The doorbell finally rings and Louis raises his eyebrow at how long Harry took to come up. Probably got distracted by a bird, knowing him. He opens the door and is surprised to see a worn-out looking delivery man.

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