chapter 14

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TW: Flashbacks of Trauma, Mentions Abuse

The flashbacks start coming back.

I was home alone, waiting for my parents to come home for dinner. My father was finally coming home today after months. I was waiting patiently by the door and my mother walked in without my father by her side. She looked infuriated by the thought of me sitting there.

Out of nowhere my mother started yelling at me and calling many horrible names.



"A disgrace to this family."

"Why did I even give birth to a worthless piece of shit like you?"

She grabbed my shirt and threw me against the wall. As I grabbed my wand, trying to fight back my own mother punched me. Multiple times. My face bled hard. I fell to the ground unable to say or do anything. Where was my father?

Everytime my mother was angry, she took it out on me. No one knew about the horrible things she did to me. I had to take the Unbreakable Vow so if I told anyone I would die.

Why does my own mother hurt me like this?

She kept going, slapping me, leaving bruises everywhere. Blood starting to dripping from my face as she punched me again. How can she do this to her own child?

I kept trying to push her away but there was no use. My mother was much stronger than me.

The torture did not stop there. She grabbed wand her and yelled "CRUICO."

The pain was excruciating. It looked like my own mother enjoyed seeing her own daughter suffering. I couldn't handle it. I kept screaming, crying in agony. She kept going, even after I begged her to stop.

My eyes rolled back as discordant screams left my mouth. The pain became more and more insufferable. My whole body felt like it was on fire. At this point I was too weak.

"STOP IT," I screamed in my sleep, breathing rapidly.



"Y/N WAKE UP." Theo said shaking me violently trying to wake me up.

I finally woke up to see Theo looking frightened. I immediately hug him, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay y/n. Just a bad nightmare." Theo says as he comforts me. He kept hugging me until I stopped crying and calmed down a bit.

"I'm sorry Theo, I didn't mean to wake you. Did you stay here all night?"

"You have nothing to be sorry for y/n and yes I did. Just in case anything happened."

"Thank you."

He smiled at me. We both sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you wanna talk about your nightmare?" Theo said, breaking the silence.

I wanted to talk to him about it. At the same time I really just wanted to forget about it.

I just looked at Theo who looked pretty tired. "Maybe later. You honestly should get some sleep Theo. Really didn't have to stay with me."

"Don't worry about me, love. Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up in the morning." Theo replied softly as he kissed me on the forehead and laid me on the hospital bed.

He hummed quietly to me, a tune I heard before but couldn't wrap my fingers around. I fell asleep in a instant, forgetting everything that happened the night before. Theo stayed right next to me, not leaving my side once.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now