chapter 5

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"Holy shit," I heard someone whisper next to me. I craned my neck up through my grogginess to see Daphne and Astoria looking down on me.

"What is it," I asked, confused as I was waking up. They looked at each other as Daphne smirked, looking back over at me.

"Your neck, Y/N. Your first few days at Hogwarts and you have the boys wrapped around your finger already," she teased.

I jolted out of my bed and over to my mirror, only to see hickeys dotting my neck.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath, reaching for my wand. I performed a spell to make Draco's marks go away, and I examined my skin with satisfaction. I turned back around to see the girls staring at me expectantly.

"Well?" Astoria asked me with a grin. "Are you going to tell us who the lucky man is?"

I felt a blush climb up my face as I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, it won't happen again" I told them, pushing past my confused roommates. I hadn't changed out of the clothes I slept in, so I trudged down to breakfast in my spandex shorts and tank top. When I entered the great hall a few eyes wandered over to me, but none of them mattered. I was only looking for the icy eyes that were so close, yet so far from me last night. The eyes that haunt my dreams but leave me coming back for more. I scanned the grand room desperate to find him, but after a few looks around, it became apparent he wasn't here.

I sulked over to Luna, who was sitting by herself at the Ravenclaw table. While approaching her I noticed a few gazes still on me. I heard a wolf whistle coming from the Gryffindor table, so I flipped him off. I'm off limits. Well, almost. Draco might be the exception. After last night, I don't know what to think about him.

Shaking my head of the vile thoughts, I sat next to the Ravenclaw with a smile. We chatted about life, our plans for the day, and just enjoyed ourselves. We were so caught up in talking that I didn't notice a tall figure approaching me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and didn't need to turn around to know who it was. I would recognize the feel of those cold rings and big, veiny hands anywhere. They're all I can think about these days.

"I need to borrow Y/N" he said to Luna with a scoff. "Go play with your nargles, Loony"

My curiosity got the better of me, so I stood up to follow Draco. I mouthed an apology on his behalf to Luna before following Draco out of the hall.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before I asked him,"Well? What do you want, Malfoy." He turned around with a glare and growled,

"Shut up and just follow me." He turned back around and gestured for me to walk beside him. I wanted to continue on our trek to see what he wanted, but I had no intention of keeping quiet.

"Was last night not enough for you?" I teased, "Don't start something you can't finish." It was these words that made his jaw clench and hands curl into tight fists. I was about to turn around and leave due to his obvious anger, but he seemed to sense this, and he gave me a hard shove into the nearest classroom. Once we were both through the doorway he shut the door tightly and locked it. I let out a gulp and took a few steps back, hitting a desk. He stalked over to me, trapping me between him and the desk.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that," he hissed, bending down towards me. I felt his cold, metal rings against my soft skin as he gripped my waist tightly. He bent down to my face as I felt his warm breath on my flushed face.

"Last night meant nothing, do you understand? It was a way for me to get my mind off things, I would never do anything with a whore like you." At this he turned around, preparing to leave, before I said to him,

"Sure didn't seem like you don't care about me when you got pissed over my 'slutty' dress. Don't worry, it's not going anywhere. I'm saving it for next time I see Blaise." Those words made him whip around with a gleam in his eye as he wrapped his hands around my neck. "Don't you fucking dare, you aren't allowed to speak to him. Do you understand me?"

"No, I don't think I do" I said mockingly, looking up to stare him right in the eye, "You'll have to make me." The second the words left my lips, he crashed his lips down making me stumble backwards. His tongue ran across my lower lip, making me open my mouth for his tongue to slip in. Our mouths moved in rhythm, until we were out of breath. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, breaking our lips apart in the process. He stared into my eyes as he rasped quietly,

"Tell anyone about us, and I'll make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?"

I pretended to ponder this thought for a second before smirking and saying, "I thought there was no 'us', what happened to that?" His eyes grew dark before he turned around and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

I waited a few minutes before leaving the room, strutting confidently in case I saw Draco or any of the other Slytherins. I flipped my hair back, and glared at anyone that dared to stare at me. I still hadn't gotten changed out of my tank top and spandex this morning, so of the course some of the boys were looking. Stupid pervs.

I arrived at the library, feeling a blast of crisp air as I pushed the doors open. I got my books I needed for charms homework and got ready to begin my work. As I was busying myself with reading, I felt someone looking at me. I looked at the direction I could feel the stare from and locked eyes with none other then Malfoy himself. Of course he had to be in the library at the same time I was, I don't even think he can read. Neither of us dropped our eyes, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around to see Blaise, smiling at me. I knew Draco wouldn't like this, but fuck it. He can't control me.

"Hi Blaise," I batted my eyelashes flirtingly, "Fancy seeing you here" it wasn't really fair of me to do this to him since I didn't like him that way, but if it made Draco pissed it was worth it.

"Hey," he grinned at me. "Want to go get a drink at Hogsmeade? All the Slytherins are going."

I grabbed his hand in mine, with full intention of Draco seeing us, "Let's go."

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now