chapter 33

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Draco POV:

"What if we both were drunk?" I thought to myself unaware that I had said it out loud.

"What?" Y/n asks sweetly. Her voice is so soothing, I could fall asleep to the sound.

"Oh... did I say-" I mumble, "But... like yeah."

"You want me to be drunk as well?" She asks, confused.

"I mean yeah, when you're drunk you have no f.. feee... filll.....fetiiissh.. radish?.... I don't know the word.... rhymes with filter."

"Filter?" She asks, lifting one of her eyebrows.

"YES! That's it!" I exclaim, "When filter... When there is... you say whatever, is what I mean... cause you're not... Thinking straight." I sigh annoyed that I'm unable to get my point across.

"You think if both of us are drunk and have no filter It would be easier for us to talk about how we feel?"

"Oui!" I say not even trying with an accent, it sounds completely and utterly butchered. Y/n laughs at my drunken pronunciation which makes me smile.

"Alrighty pass me some." She extends her arm to me.


He grabs me some wine.

Aveline wine.

Of course, because why the hell not!

I start chugging it, to my surprise Draco puts his hand on mine and lowers the bottle from my mouth.

"Not so fast darling," He says looking a little concerned.

I simply scoff and go a little slower. I finish the wine in no time and wait for the effects to set in. Draco is weird when he's drunk, when he's focused on something it's almost like he isn't drunk at all. But the drunker he gets the harder it is for him to hide it. He's bipolar during the day but also bipolar as fuck drunk. One moment he's tripping over his foot and barely able to walk the next he looks like he could go to a business meeting and hide it. I can't with him. He's too unpredictable. Maybe it's a good thing we're both drunk since that way we're both unpredictable.

As soon as I'm positive and utterly drunk the both of us stumble our way through everything. Neither of us communicated but someone both of us came to the conclusion that the bed was the safest place at the moment for us to be. So we move so that now we are both sitting on my bed facing each other.

In a way, I'm glad we're finally talking about this. But at the same time, I really don't want to. I've been trying to avoid this conversation and I think he has too. So I'm glad we're both drunk for this. It would be so awkward if we were sober.

We're both sitting there, cross-legged, facing each other, just talking.

Talking about our feelings.

It's weird but the alcohol coursing through both of our veins makes everything not awkward. And the mix of adrenaline getting us both through this emotional outpouring session.

"So, who's gonna..... who is... what to say first" I stumble around my words, I try to focus on simple sentences.

As much as the alcohol is helping me say absolutely anything, it's not helping me make coherent sentences. I need to focus. Draco just stares at me.

"Do you..... like like me?" I say my drunkenness took over.

"Well I mean I was just inside you"  Twisting his neck round in circles.

"That's not what I meant," I say violently shaking my head in long sweeps from side to side.

"Whaaa... I don't know" he says looking away from me.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя