Plan Coming Together

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     So I just watched the Mulan live action last night and I actually really liked it? I don't know, I just don't think it deserved any of the hate it got, it was nice to see something new.

Lee Know and Han's Private Chat:

Lee Know:

i got it!


it took u two weeks?

Lee Know:

oh shut it, i was busy not failing school. Plus, its not like u thought of anything🙄


yeah, cause that was ur job


u know, its a wonder how we get anything done

Lee Know:

we will this time. ready 2 hear the plan?


go for it

Lee Know:

ok, so u invite hyunjin to a certain location and I invite seungmin to that same location. then the two of us dont show up so hyunjin and seungmin have no choice but to see each other




thats it?

Lee Know:

yeah, why?


that is so SIMPLE, why did that take u two weeks!?

Lee Know:

then why didnt YOU think of it!?


cause it was UR job!

Lee Know:

so ur telling me that since it was "my job", u literally though NOTHING about it?


thats how i roll man👍👍👍

Lee Know:

i swear to- u know what, moving on. where should they meet?


idk, a coffee shop? Theres sitting room and stuff to talk

Lee Know;

actually, thats not a bad idea. See, u did come useful!


-_- -_- -_-

Lee Know:

oh wait, u know the one at 108 Street?


yeah. oh wait, thats a spacious one, itll be perfect!

Lee Know:

ok, we have a location. timing?


this saturday? afternoon, like 2?

Lee Know:

ok cool, then its all set


wait, how would we know if they actually met? i say we need to spy a little!

Lee Know:

i can do that


ill come too!

Lee Know:

no, we might get caught if its the both of us


then ill do it!

Lee Know:

and trust u not to do anything stupid? not a chance -_-


hey, i can be sneaky! Im great at being sneaky! Let me do it!


and i just realized i have tutoring on saturday...

Lee Know:

cool, that makes things easy.


ughhh, can we change the timing?

Lee Know:

not a chance, im busy on sunday


fine, tell me how it goess -_-

Lee Know:

im not gonna spy on the entire convo, just to make sure they actually see each other


oh- dang itt

Lee Know:

ok, ill talk 2 seungmin and u talk to hyunjin


wait, but i dont really have a reason to ask only hyunjin to hang out. How will I make it seem not suspicious?

Lee Know:

idk, think of something¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lee Know:

make sure its not stupid


wow, u trust me so much🙄

Lee Know:

ofc, ive known you for like eight years


fine, ill think of something


id just like to point out that while u came up with the plan, i came up with the location, timing, the idea to spy, and am going to figure out how to lure Hyunjin. so arguable, I contributed wayy more

Lee Know:

shut it and go talk 2 hyunjin-_-

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