Felix's Story

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     It was supposed to be a simple summer road trip.

     Because to ten-year-old Felix, that simply what life was. School during the year, road trips during the summer. 

     In a way, Felix could blame his mom for that simple mindset. It was the seasons that guided her life, quite literally.

     Growing up with a mom who lived in two countries was an interesting upbringing. Felix's mom was all too happy to flee the scorching hot Australian summers to find solace in Korea's cool and relaxing summers. However, the minute winter settled in, bringing in freezing temperatures and snow to Korea, his mom was back again in Australia and its mild winter climate.

     "If I have to be working in different countries, I believe I've earned the right to at least choose the weather conditions I work in," his mom used to tell Felix whenever he'd complain about her absence during summer vacation. "Extreme weather is overrated, I like to keep things nice and moderate."

     "Then you'd hate Canada," Felix would say. "A kid named Mark Lee in my class used to live in Canada. He told me that summers in Canada can reach 40 degrees and the winters go as low as -20!"

     His mom would shake her head in disbelief. "Gosh, that's a nightmare. Well, now you know how I like to roll, Yongbok."

     "Hey, don't call me that!"

     Felix was the one kid who could say that most of his childhood had been spent with his dad. So in the end, summer was father and son time. That meant road trips. Days driving by and looking at the Australian landscape, because the wind that would come through the open windows could make the heatwaves almost bearable.

     Now, they were on their way from Perth. Felix had his head out in the window, breathing in the fresh air and looking forward to hitting the beach back home. To escape the heat, one usually had no choice but to become a fish.

     Suddenly, the wind blasting outside became slower and slower until Felix could feel nothing but the sauna of a car he was in. That's when he realized the car had stopped.

     "Dad, what happened?" Felix asked, already panting from the change in temperature.

     "We ran out of gas," his dad said calmly, though Felix could pick up the frustrated tone of his voice. "I should have checked. Let's get out of the car."

     They were in the middle of the road. Nowhere near a gas station. At the side was a curb and just behind it was a housing community. Felix quickly took shelter in the trees hovering over the road curb in order to get out of the sunlight.

     He saw his dad standing near his car, trying to look around for something. Finally, a small car that was driving towards them stopped near their now-useless car. Felix could see his dad walking up to the driver and exchanging a few words that Felix couldn't pick up. It was only when his dad raised his voice that Felix understood what was happening.

     "Only space for one person!?"

     Felix perked up at that. His dad was definitely getting angry.

     "I'm sorry, I have a ten-year-old boy with me, so there's no way I can take this offer." He sighed. "We'll wait to see if anyone else comes."

     "Dad, what's going on?" Felix asked.

     "This man here saw our car and said we have a flat tire. He can tow our car and get it to repairs, but his car only has space for one person," his dad said. He looked very tired of the situation they were in.

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