What Began With a Text

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     How does one go about ending a story? That too, an 84 part story that practically wrote itself and was not expected to go on for so long. I personally think that endings are THE most difficult part about writing, because it needs to be PERFECT. Like the perfect cherry on top to smoothly end everything that has been created. I was playing around with a few ideas but in the end, I'm pretty sure this ending will write itself, and I hope you guys enjoy it nevertheless <3

     Also, long chapter alert.

     The teenager's jet black hair flew around in the wind as he sat down under the tree shade, breathing in the cool air.

     "Someone looks happy."

     Jeongin was interrupted out of his thoughts to see Changbin coming towards the spot. Jeongin grinned. "Yeah, after wearing a hoodie for such a long time, the wind just feels so good!"

     "Oh right, you don't have to do that anymore!" Changbin said.

     Jeongin got up and excitedly ran over to Changbin. "I know right!? This morning, I walked into a coffee shop and, wait for it... nobody gave me any looks! I mean, some people seemed kind of sympathetic, but I was just some regular teenager and, and-" Jeongin's face went red at realizing how much he was rambling but Changbin could only laugh.

     "I'm happy for you, Jeongin," Changbin said, meaning every word.

     "What are you saying, this is all thanks to you!" Jeongin said.

     "Yeah, but I was also kind of the one who..." Changbin looked down, not meaning to bring it up again.

     Jeongin faked thinking about something. "Hm... let's see... you're the one who took away my freedom, but... you're also the one who got it back for me." Jeongin's eyes lit up. "And since I'm feeling so happy right now, I think I like you more for giving me this happiness than what you did ages ago."

     Changbin was rendered speechless at that. But seeing Jeongin's innocent smile and carefree attitude, Changbin realized he really had nothing to fret about. He was forgiven. He was accepted by the person he never thought he'd ever be able to look in the eye again. What more could he want?

     Changbin smirked and ruffled Jeongin's hair. "How cute," he teased.

     "Ugh... stop it!" Jeongin complained. But in reality, he loved this. He loved being able to laugh again without any stares at him. He loved being able to live the life of a regular teenage boy, with no extra burdens. So if he had to bear the side effects of being the group maknae, he'd take it.

     Changbin looked around. "Has nobody arrived yet?"

     "Nope, it's just the two of us. I wanted to be outside for some time." Dramatically, Jeongin breathed in the afternoon air and grabbed Changbin's hand. "Come on, sit with me, Changbin. Let's stay quiet in this peaceful afternoon and meditate or something!"

     "Ok, I think this freedom is making you a little lose in the head." But Changbin let Jeongin drag him under the tree and sit him down. "Ok, deep breath in... and out... and in... and..."

     Changbin found himself restless during this forced meditation exercise and his leg spread out and knocked something down.

     It was Jeongin's backpack, the contents spilling out. Well, there wasn't much. Just two water guns now on the grass. The water leaking out of them showed that they had already been filled prior to being put in the backpack.

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