Seungmin's Story

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     It all took place in middle school. 

     Those were the years where Seungmin experienced the most pain. The years where he received the most bullets and experienced the worst betrayal.

     Those were also the years where Seungmin experienced the most happiness. The years where he perhaps smiled the most and experienced the most joy.

     Overall, those were messed up years. Years that changed him forever.

     His life had been more or less normal before. Elementary school years were those casual years of studying, playing, and laughter. He had friends. He had fulfilling days. He had no care in the world during those years.

     Then, middle school began. He and his friends parted ways. The school Seungmin transferred to was merely a choice of convenience, where he would only have to take a small bus ride to and from.

     Maybe he should have chosen more wisely. It was an average school. 90% of the student body found playing the evenings away at PC cafes far more worthwhile than caring about school life. In fact, school life came second to experiencing the pleasures of teenage life.

     Seungmin found himself having to make a difficult choice. He didn't want to be like his classmates. He wasn't a goody two-shoes or anything, but he had enough of a conscience to actually follow rules and care at least a little about school. As a result, Seungmin took to his books while others took to their video games.

     It shouldn't have been a problem. Seungmin was entitled to do what he wanted, just like everyone else. But it sure became a problem for the rest of his grade

     His classmates started to have a problem with Seungmin being different from the rest. Seungmin's unwillingness to hang out during school hours and skip homework became something that irritated everyone else. At least that was how Seungmin perceived it. In the end, Seungmin's mere existence began bothering his classmates.

     "Yo, I heard you have science with Seungmin."

     A conversation with his name reached Seungmin's ears. It usually did. His classmates had a weird habit of "talking behind his back" when they knew perfectly well that Seungmin was in the hearing vicinity.

     "Oh really!? Sorry, I never notice. Is he... that weirdo who's always silent at the front of the class, drawing or whatever?"

     "I think he's taking notes. Like the teacher's pet he is."

     Bursts of laughter.

     Seungmin sighed under his breath as he opened his locker. It was the second year of middle school and you'd think that kids would at least become more creative with their insults. But nope. It was just the same old thing. It would almost be funny if it weren't so annoying.

     Suddenly, Seungmin sensed someone right behind him. Seungmin didn't bother turning around to see who it was.

     "Hey, loser. Since you love getting teachers to think you're the best thing since sliced bread, why don't you convince them to pass me on the tests I'm failing?"

     Seungmin could hear snickers of the student's friend hiding nearby. Why? None of it was funny whatsoever.

     "Actually, that's probably what you do already, right? That's probably why you get such high grades. Watch as I tell everyone else about the fraud you are."

     At that, Seungmin simply turned around a little and pushed his way past the boy. This was so stupid, it wasn't worth listening to anymore. That boy wanted to go and spread more lies? Go ahead, he could see how much Seungmin cared.

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