The Unexpected

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     So... online school has made me procrastinate more than I've ever done in my entire life. So here I am writing fanfiction instead of completing that French homework that's due tomorrow👍

     By the way, thank you guys so much for 2k views!

     Minho found himself in an alley on Saturday afternoon for the grand plan, less motivated than usual.

     He had barely gotten any sleep the previous night. A headache had woken him up in the middle of the night and had led to a fitful sleep. It still wasn't completely gone, which really sucked.

     Hearing his phone ring, Minho ignored the throbbing in his head and took it out. He leaned against the alley wall and checked Messages. He didn't even need to see the name to know who it was.


so did u see them?

Lee Know:

u realize this is the 20th time uve asked me that, right?



 Lee Know:

since the morning



Lee Know:

even though you know perfectly well none of this begins until the afternoon -_-


yeah. ur point?

Lee Know:

no, i HAVE NOT seen them. im still in the alley



Lee Know:

yeah. this street actually has alleys at the back of some of their shops. Not many people know about them, but its really handy for sneaking around.


ughhh... now I really want to comee

Lee Know:

really wish I let you, im too tired for this. my sleep was non existent last night



Lee Know:

arent u supposed to be in tutoring?


im done my work early so im chilling in class

Lee Know:



what!? how little do you expect of me😤😤

Lee Know:

do u really want me to answer that?


ok, stop texting. go find seungmin and hyunjin, im dying over here!

Lee Know:

hey, ur the one who






     Minho hadn't meant for his finger to accidentally press the "send" button before finishing his text. He hadn't meant for his phone to slip out of his hand and clatter to the floor either.

     All of this seemed very familiar.

     Minus the pain. The pain hadn't been there before. 

     Minho was incapacitated. The throbbing in his head had evolved into an explosion with no warning whatsoever. He held back a scream.

     At that moment, Minho couldn't process where he was anymore, what he had even come here to do. He didn't care. All would be good if this god-awful pain would just STOP! 

     What had gone wrong? There had been uneasy signs, but Minho had chosen to shrug them off, not wanting to worry about anything anymore. So was this all his fault?

     Was he dying? Because of his own negligence? Minho couldn't see his life flash before his eyes but as he supported himself against the wall, a hand on his head, trying to stop the pain, Minho didn't really know what to believe anymore.

     Finally, after who knows how long, it was over. His strength was gone. He couldn't do this anymore and nowhere in his mind could reach him.

     His hand fell off the wall. Minho felt his vision go blurry and then...

     The pain finally went away. Into the darkness.

Lee Know:

hey, ur the one who







uh... im the one who what?


how long does it take to complete a sentence -_-





ur still online, answer meee





uh... lee know?


Lee knowwwwww


earth to lee know, are u there!?


come on and tell me to stop being annoying or something!





dude actually, say something


im getting flashbacks and i DO NOT want flashbacks!




u told me not to worry about you damn it, so dont do stuff like this!


ur still online, so why arent u saying anything???




ur probably going to see all this a few minutes later and im going to look like an idiot. And class is starting again. So ill stop, since u told me not to worry about you


but u better explain urself later lee know 😒

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