Felix's Story: Part Three

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     I'm very thankful I met kind and generous souls who offered to make me new covers for my Stray Kids' stories. I now have a cover that doesn't hurt me whenever I lay eyes on it XD

     Also, sad warning I guess? I fear for the safety of my readers because I too got choked up while writing this.

     Felix and Christopher had been walking for an unusually long time that day.

     "Chris, where are going!?" Felix asked as Christopher took his hand and pulled him along past the familiar streets and hills of the area.

     "Where do you think?" Christopher said. "I'm showing you around!"

     "I thought we already went everywhere," Felix said.

     "There's one last place I never showed you," Christopher said. "It's a bit of a distance away but I figure it'd be worth it. Come on, you'll like it."

     So finally, the two boys rounded the corner and Christopher stood Felix proudly in front of...

     A park. It had all your regular equipment and next to it was a huge grassy field. It was the middle of the afternoon, the beating sun rendering the park empty for the time being. "This is actually one of my favourite places."

     "Wow, I thought teenagers didn't go to parks anymore!" Felix grinned and ran over to the structures. Excitedly, he sat down on one of the swings. But then, he hesitated instead of pushing himself off the ground.

     "What's the matter?" Christopher asked, walking over.

     Felix looked down on the ground and spoke softly. "Well... I know it's silly but... whenever I go on the swings, I- like to have someone push me. I can do it myself! But I feel like I'm flying when I don't need to put my feet on the ground to push myself." His face flushed red.

     Christopher smirked. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about." He came behind the swing. "Here, I'll push you."

     Felix gave Christopher a skeptical look. "Do you know how?"

     "How to push someone forward and do it again when they come back down? I'm pretty sure I do," Christopher chuckled. "Here, three... two... one... go!"

     Christopher realized an important factor about swing pushing. It was only fun for the person ON the swing. His hands got tired after only a few minutes and Felix didn't help the matter with his constant cries of "Higher!" and "Push harder!"

     Finally, his laughter filled the area as Christopher gave him a hard push that pushed Felix up to the sky. "Whoohooo!" Christopher smiled and felt like he could almost forget the pain in his hands if he got to see Felix having this much fun.

     Almost. "Ok, time out!" Christopher said, shaking his hands to bring feeling back to them. "I'm winded."

     Felix pouted. "You're really not good at this. Usually, I can be at this for almost half an hour." Suddenly, he went silent. It was then that Christopher realized, with a sinking heart, who would usually be the person to push Felix on the swings.

     "Come with me."

     Felix raised an eyebrow. "Why? We just got here."

     "No, we're staying here, but I need to show you something." Felix reluctantly got off of the swing and followed Christopher. Christopher took off into a run and Felix followed him.

     Christopher ran to the middle of the field and then, fell down on his back. Felix reached him and looked confused. 

     "Do the same," Christopher said, patting the grass next to him. Felix slowly crouched down and then laid flat on his back. "Now look up," Christopher said.

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