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     Confessing had seemed fine and all until Changbin had to spend the night in a jail cell.

     Granted, it was way nicer than your typical confinement, but the gray walls were a constant reminder to Changbin of where he was and what would be in store for him.

     He felt a lump in his throat, thinking about how his parents would react, how everybody would react. Changbin had no idea what was happening right now, but he knew for sure that confessing had officially become the easy part. What was to come honestly scared him to death.

     He at least hoped that Jeongin would be set free soon. If he could know that Jeongin got his old life back, that would make all of this better.

     He had done the right thing, he couldn't have any more regrets.

     It was probably already late morning by now, but Changbin felt himself drifting off to sleep, simply because there was nothing else to do.

     That was until he heard the voices outside.

     "Are you being threatened to say this?"

     "No, I'm not!"

     "Then why are you trying to defend the man who framed you?"

     "Please listen to what I have to say!"

     Changbin couldn't believe his ears. The voices he was hearing?

     One of them was Jeongin.

     Earlier that morning:

     Jeongin felt particularly dead that Sunday morning. Understandably, he was shaken up.

     It had shocked him to actually see Hyunjin in real life at the plaza, and even more shocking to learn that Minho had been the reason for the sirens. Jeongin had nervously waited outside the hospital until nighttime, trying to decide whether or not to go in. In the end, he had risked it and felt good about it. He hoped Minho was still ok.

     But most importantly, Jeongin still didn't know what had happened to Changbin. He hadn't gotten a text, a phone call, nothing. He knew things would get resolved soon, but when?

     Jeongin didn't want to think about the life in store for Changbin now. He knew that life, experienced it for a year now, and it wasn't something he'd wish on anyone. Even someone who deserved it.

     But... did Changbin really deserve it? He hadn't committed the actual crime, and even if he had, he had left that life behind, had sworn to never do it again. What was the point of arresting a changed man?

     Someone has to clear your name Jeongin. 

     Sure, it's not ideal, but Changbin is paying for a crime he had knowledge about. Plus, he had stood there in that plaza and hadn't said a word to save you during that incident.

     You have had your ticket to a free life handed right over to you. Be happy.

     That's what Jeongin tried to tell himself. This would all be over soon and he'd be able to move on.

     Yet, when he would finally enter the group chat again...

     Jeongin was interrupted from his thoughts by his dad coming down the stairs, humming a cheerful tune.

     "You're in a good mood," Jeongin commented. His dad was a lawyer, that kind of work hardly called for a celebration, as far as he was concerned.

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