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     Minho knew where he was this time the minute he felt his senses return to him.

     Though he still wished he was wrong as he opened his eyes. The familiar beeping and white room he saw confirmed his worst fears.

     Dang it, not again.

     "Lee Know!?" a voice said.

     Ignoring the throbbing in his head, (like come on, if he had to go through all the trouble of being here, couldn't the pain at least go away?) Minho slowly sat up and stretched his arms. Well, as much as he could with an IV connected to his arm.

     "So, how many months have passed this time?" he asked, not even having to look to know that Han was in the room.

     The response Minho got was a punch in the arm. "Ow!"

     "It's literally been a few hours, you idiot," Han said, not looking amused.

     "Hey, you can't just hit me like that, I'm injured," Minho said, rubbing his shoulder. "Wait... I am, right?"

     "Not in the shoulder, you aren't, so what I did still stands," Han said.

     "Cool, what's wrong with me?" Minho asked.

     "Uh... you got some sort of shock or something from a head injury not treated," Han said. "Or whatever fancy words the people here use."

     Minho groaned. "I knew I should have sued that other place for letting me stay in a coma for months. They didn't even do their job properly."

     "You're not suing anyone, be happy you're alive," Han said, very annoyed.

     Minho looked around. "So... how did I get here? Who found me?"

     "Take a wild guess."

     Minho didn't need to. "Seungmin."

     "And Hyunjin," Han said. "He's the one who texted me."

     That was when Minho remembered what the entire point of today had been. "So Seungmin AND Hyunjin. Does that mean..."

     Han couldn't hide his grin. "I literally caught them hugging when I walked in. And Seungmin said they're friends again."

     "Let's go!" At least one good thing had come out of this day. "Our plan worked!" A punch in the shoulder followed Minho's remark. "Ow! What was THAT for!?"

     "You losing consciousness and ending up in the hospital was NOT part of the freaking plan!" Han said.

     Minho shrugged. "Well, sometimes you gotta improvise- Ow!" Han had delivered yet another punch. "Ok, now you're asking for it-" But Han had already moved his chair far away from the bed and Minho couldn't reach him.

     Minho fake pouted. "Ok, THAT'S not fair."

     "Serves you right."

     That was when Minho noticed something was wrong. Han wasn't laughing. Despite being able to make fun of his friend, he didn't even crack a smile. Minho had thought Han's angry tone before had been a joke but now looking at it... Han actually seemed angry.

     "Hey, what's wrong?" Minho asked.

     Han didn't respond. Something was definitely up.

     "Are you... mad?" Minho asked.

     Han huffed. "Gee, well I don't know. First, you tell me not to worry about you and your headaches, and SAY that you will tell me if anything gets worse. Except, that clearly didn't happen and you clearly didn't care when things got worse because you're sitting here and me? I'm left on hold after you don't respond to my texts anymore and then I'm just going through my day trying not to worry about the fact that the LAST TIME my friend didn't answer my texts, he was found dead in a bus accident. But you clearly don't care about yourself or the worry you cause others because you can wake up here, which I would like to point out, might not have even happened if Seungmin and Hyunjin hadn't found you, and pretend as if nothing happened, and ignore the fact that I'm probably always going to have trust issues and keep on worrying, all because my best friend keeps on treating everything like a game and won't TALK TO ME."

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