Coming Clean

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     Changbin found himself holding his breath after finally letting his entire story out.

     Next to him, Jeongin remained silent. His head was down again and Changbin couldn't sense the same warmth and energy Jeongin had given off before. Not like Changbin could blame him or anything.

     "Go ahead, yell at me," Changbin said. "You know what, turn me in. I deserve it, and you don't need to try to be nice to me anymore. I know you're furious."

     Still more silence. 

     Finally, Jeongin took a deep breath. "I am. I'm really mad. I can't believe you- I didn't think you'd do something like that. Why would you ever be part of anything like that?"

     Hearing the pain in Jeongin's voice broke Changbin's heart. But he was also relieved. Telling Jeongin his story... it felt like a new type of liberation. Changbin finally felt at peace.


     Jeongin still wasn't finished.

     "I don't know how to feel. I hate that you're the reason for all of this. You're my friend and we got along so well. You're an amazing person on the group chat. And... I guess in your shoes, it would be really difficult to turn yourself in and get yourself arrested over a random stranger. That still doesn't make it right but..."

     Jeongin sighed. "Basically, I'm really mad at you but I don't want to be, if that makes sense." He slowly scooted away, his negative feelings taking control.

     It did make sense to Changbin. But the fact that he was even willing to give Changbin a small chance, despite everything he had done... Jeongin was amazing. If Changbin had known all of this back then, he wouldn't have hesitated a second to save Jeongin.

     Oh, who was he kidding, he should have done it either way! Every single person had something special about them. Nobody deserved to go through what Jeongin had to.

     But the past was the past. Now, in the present, Changbin knew what he had to do. He wasn't going to wait any longer.

     He stood up. "I'm going to fix everything."

     "Wh- Where are you going?" Jeongin asked, a little bit half-heartedly.

     "The police station. I'm going to tell them what happened."

     Jeongin stood up so suddenly, it almost scared Changbin. "What!?"

     "I'm turning myself in. I'm doing what I should have done at that robbery." Changbin began to walk away.

     "But... what will happen?" Jeongin asked, stopping Changbin in his tracks. The concern in his voice amazed Changbin.

     Changbin shrugged. "They'll probably arrest me. I had knowledge of the robbery, was working with the people who did it, and was a witness who never spoke up. But hey, I had it coming."

     Jeongin went silent but he looked really disturbed.

     "Hey," Changbin said in a soft voice. "I'm setting you free. Your record will be cleaned, you'll be allowed back into the group chat, and the city will know you're innocent. Don't tell me you don't want that more than anything else."

     "I do..." Jeongin said with certainty. He clenched his fist. "I want it so much, and you should turn yourself in, because you were part of the crime but still... you're still ruining your own life. What about your own family and friends? What about everyone on the group chat? How will they react when you disappear? Haven't they had to deal with that too many times?"

     Jeongin looked like he was battling so many different feelings; Changbin couldn't believe it. It must be so hard for him.

     Gently, Changbin put his hand on Jeongin's shoulder. "Look, all of this sucks. But in the end, it's either you or me. The one who's guilty, or the one who's innocent. And I think we both know what's the obvious choice."

     "I know..." Because no matter how nice of a person Jeongin was, he would never give up the chance to get his life back on track and to finally escape the whispers and stares of the people who believed he had no future. "I'm sorry..."

     "I'm the one who should be saying 'sorry' a million times," Changbin said. "But doing this is the only way I'll be able to prove I'm truly sorry." He smiled sadly. "It was nice knowing you, Jeongin. Tell everyone on the group chat exactly what happened. They deserve the truth."

     Tears fell down Jeongin's face. "Ok... I will."

     After a bit of hesitation, Changbin pulled Jeongin in for a hug. Jeongin didn't resist.

     "Ok, I'm off." 

     Changbin went off to take the biggest step in his life.

     Changbin thought his heart would beat out of his chest as he faced the police station.

     He walked quickly. If he stopped for even a second, he'd face second thoughts. He was doing this, right here, right now.

     He went right up to the front counter. "I have something important to say!"

     The lady on the desk was on the phone and signalled for Changbin to wait a moment. But Changbin couldn't wait. He had no time for doubts.

     "The robbery on Seoul Convenience last year!" he blurted out. "I know what actually happened! Yang Jeongin is innocent!"

     He closed his eyes after letting that out. Finally.

     The lady eyed Changbin suspiciously and then hung up the call. She sighed.

     "Sit down boy. Tell me what you know."

     Changbin sat down on the chair, ready to narrate everything. 

      The guilt that had trapped him for months finally let him go.

     Jeongin headed home with a heavy heart.

     He would get his normal life back soon. But he would have to celebrate tomorrow. He had way too many conflicting emotions right now.

     He heard sirens and grimaced at their rings. Jeongin hated their sounds; they brought nothing good. He couldn't tell whether it was of police cars or an ambulance, but Jeongin was ready to ignore them.

     Except for the fact that the sound was coming from nearby.

     Just like that, curiosity overtook him. What was happening in the plaza? Jeongin noticed that the streets were empty of people. Were they all following the sirens?

     Jeongin decided to see for himself.

     Following the sounds finally brought him to the street lined with cafes and shops.

     He found the commotion and went to see what it is.

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