Chapter seventeen~ Hollis

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I woke up to Brooklyn standing over me.

"Wake up." She said to me.

I threw a pillow over my head, "Brooks, what do you want, its early."

"It's also Christmas morning. Get up!" She said.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Fine. Give me a minute and I'll be down."

"Hurry up or we're opening everything with ya." She said as she walked out my room.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was 9:07, they let  me sleep in for awhile so that was nice. If it was up to Lynleigh and Brooklyn then we'd be getting up at six in the morning.

Then I checked the notifications and saw that Owen had texted me this morning.

7:47: Merry Christmas baby. I know you're probably still asleep but i love you and cant wait to see you later.

I couldn't help but smile. He made me so happy and i loved when he did cute good morning texts like this. I also couldn't wait to see him later, we were going to hang out and do gifts together.

I texted him back.

Merry Christmas O!! I'm so excited to see you too, I love youuu.

"Hollis. Lets go!!" I heard  Brooklyn yell.

I threw my phone down and grabbed my pink bath robe off my door and ran downstairs.

"Finally, she's up. I was starting to think you died." Lynleigh said as I walked down.

"I haven't even been sleeper that much longer than you." I replied.

"Coffee?" My mom asked while she poured a cup.

"Yes please." I said.

She handed me a cup and I took a sip.

"Peppermint?" I asked.

"Yep. My latest obsession." She answered.

I nodded and took another sip, " Mmm."

"Presents guys presents." Lynleigh chimed in.

I turned around in my chair," Okay fine but you open mine first."


We all walked over to the Christmas tree and found our own little spots. I grabbed the gift to Lynleigh and tossed it to her.

She ripped it open and it revealed a little blue Polaroid camera, film and a scrapbook, this was her favorite hobby back home but all her stuff still remained in Washington.

"Holli, this is perfect. Thank you." She said smiling.

"Of course, I'm glad you like it." I responded.

She crawled over to me and hugged me, "You're turn. Open it."

She pointed to a perfectly wrapped red box under the tree, she was always a perfectionist at wrapping every year.

I began opening the box and inside I saw a a little basket full of my all my favorite beauty products, everything ranging from face masks to little bottles of foundation.

"Lynie, I love this. Thank you!" I said admiring all the little items.

"No problem, technically I stole a bunch of you're makeup and skincare products  so I'm just paying it all back." She replied.

I gave her a look and said, "Whose next?"

My mom put down her coffee mug, "Brooke you go."

Brooklyn nodded and reached for a green box with snowflake wrapping paper that had her name on the label, courtesy of me.

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