Chapter twenty-four~ Owen

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Dear Owen,

I'm looking at you right now and I just wish you could stay this young, innocent and unknowing as you are now. You don't deserve the thing I am going to do or did but you also don't deserve the life you'd have with me. I know if I stay then I'd just ruin things for you and William. I know you're reading this an probably thinking about how I did indeed ruin things but I never was cut out to be a father. At least not at eighteen. I'm not the good father you need, or the partner your mother needs. I can't stay and watch myself ruin things for you all. Just know that this wasnt your fault and I had to do this. Don't blame your mom, or your brother and please don't blame yourself. I'm guessing you'll get this when your thirteen or maybe twelve. but heres an email so you can reach me if you wanted. I love you Owen and always will. 


I folded up the note that I had found hidden in the basement. I tucked it into my pocket and walked out. 

I was supposed to be given this around five years ago. But my mother didn't give it to as she was supposed to. 

My whole life I was told he left without a word in the middle of the night, that he left for another woman. My mom let me live with that lie my whole entire life, everything I knew wasn't real.

The next thing I did was mostly out of anger from my mom hiding all this from me. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door, the I opened up my laptop and got onto my email. 

I started typing everything I wanted to say up but then everything started spilling out. I need to calm down and stay on topic. Wouldn't want to scare him off again.

After a long time of figuring out the right words to say, I think I got it down. 

Dad didn't feel right so I just stuck with Calvin. It sounded more correct anyway.-


I just finally found the note you had written around the time you left, hence me using your email and reaching out. I don't really know what to say after reading through all that when everything I knew wasn't the real version of things. I guess I'm wondering if we could meet and try talking again.


And now nothing else too but wait for a response. 


"Where's Lee and Syd?" Mona asked while sliding into the booth with Beck.

"Wow, no hello." Hollis said rolling her eyes.

"Church camp retreat. Sydney's parents surprisingly let him come with." I explained.

"Poor Sydney. Being forced to go to all that." Hollis commented.

"Poor Liam, he doesn't know the first thing about religion." Beck pointed out.

They both had good point. It sucked for Sydney but Liam didnt have a clue about anything of the Christian topic. He was in for a real treat this weekend.

"Well more time at the house home alone for us."  Hollis said while wrapping my arms around herself.

That indeed was a very true and very good point.

"Jesus. Where did my innocent Hollis go? It would have been nice to die not knowing the location of where your sex habits take thrive.." Beck complained dramatically.

"At least I can control my hornyness and wait until I get home." Hollis shot back.

"Are you slut shaming me, Hollis?" Beck accused her.

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