Chapter forty-one~ Hollis

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"Promise me you'll call me when you get there." 

"I promise, Holls. Promise you'll tell the family I saw hi." Luke said to me.

It was December 21st and I was heading home for Christmas break for about a week. Luke had his first away game for team he had gotten drafted to, the Blue Ridge Ravens. He had to miss a few days but was going to be driving to my mom's on the 23rd, the day before Christmas Eve.

"Yeah yeah. They're all dying to see you." I added.

"They're dying to hear about the engagement." He corrected.

I smirked, "Okay, Jasper's dying to see you." 

Jasper was now around four, he was obsessed with Luke. There hadn't been many make figures in his life besides Luke and the Windess brothers. Well that is besides, my mother's nee boyfriend, Travis.

Either way, Jasper absolutely adored Luke. It was the sweetest thing ever seeing Luke around little kids. It made me really excited for our future family.

Luke laughed, "And I'm dying to see my best friend. Please drive safe, though."

"I will. It's only an hour, two if I hit traffic." I reassured him.

"Well be safe. Don't drive crazy like usual."  

I let out a laugh and the leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He wasn't going to stop talking cautiously so I figured kissing him would be the only way to shut him up.

"I will call you later. We can start planning the wedding details then." He blushed.

"See you in two days." I responded, twirling the keys on my finger.

"I love you." He said in a singsong voice.

"Love you more." I said, giving him a final kiss on the cheek.

I hugged him, and then grabbed Waco's leash, walking off to the car. I got Waco comfy in the backseat and then started up the car. 

As I was pulling out of the parking lot, I honked the horn, loudly at Luke. He laughed and made the blowing a kiss motion.

I connected my Spotify to the speakers and put on my 'Panic! At The Disco' playlist. I wasn't embarrassed to admit I was going through that phase again.

My favorite song, "When the Day Met the Night" started blasting through the speakers. The fact that it happened to be my favorite song by them playing immediately told me that this was going to be a good car ride.

I was driving for a good twenty minutes when the music stopped playing and my ring tone started filling the car.

I looked down at my phone and smiled at the familiar name on the screen.

I accepted the FaceTime call.

"Hollis, just the girl I was looking for." 

"Hey, O." I grinned.

Owen and I had been cool for about three years now. We figured the best thing to do was cut all contact and stop seeing each other. And then we would slowly start fixing things naturally. We didn't see each other for about year which not only put strain on us, but probably others. W

e started being friends again after a year of seperation. The whole time, he was traveling across the country, telling his story. Meanwhile, I was focusing on school and find my correct major. And, of course, slowly seeing Luke.

"I've been actually meaning to call you." I brought up, "I've had something I wanted to tell you."

"Same thing there." He responded, he grinned," I'll go first."

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