chapter one ~ Hollis

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We had been driving for nearly two days now. Sure, we had few stops at the gas stations and 24 hour diners but we had been in this tiny SUV for hours.

It had all happened so fast. Dad trying to hit Lynleigh and the screaming. Lynleigh pushing him off her and running up to her room with Brooklyn. Mom telling me I had twenty minutes to pack. And though my bedroom, or old bedroom was isolated from the rest, I could still hear the crying and screaming.

Dad had, unquestionably, been on drugs, cheating on mom, constantly, and verbally/physically abusive. Mom had been wanting to leave for months and this was it. And even though we left him just over two days, everything about that day was blurred. Mom had just packed us up and declared us moving to California. Our auntie Ayla had been living down there and my moms best friend (whom I never knew of) lived down there too. That had apparently been all my mom needed to decide on California. 

"Hollis." My mother spoke up.  

I immediately got snapped out of my day dreaming.

"What?" I asked, looking towards the driver's seat.

"We're at Ayla's house." She added."Grab your things and bring them inside."

I noticed how the car had stopped moving, we were in the driveway of a huge white house, surrounded by many acres and a gate.

I got out of the car, "Nathan is rich rich, huh?" 

Lynleigh and Brooklyn, my older twin sisters walked by me.

"Apparently." Lynleigh said

Brooklyn muttered something under her breath.

"Oh my god, Esme. You're finally here!" I heard a woman's voice yell.

I turned my head toward the house, sure enough a little blonde head poked out, revealing my aunt Ayla.

"Great, just what we need. More yelling" Brooklyn muttered.

Brooklyn had been in a bitchy mood these past days. I mean, who wouldn't be? But she was being extra bitchy because of leaving her boyfriend back in Washington. 

"Hollis! Oh my god Holli, you're so big! You've grown so much since your last visit." Ayla said as she walked over.

No shit I thought. Its been five years since we have last been here. I was twelve and the twins were thirteen, almost fourteen.

"Yeah, I guess that is what puberty does to you. You know and not seeing each other in the past five years."  I said while grabbing my bags out of the car and walking toward the door.

I ran inside the mansion of a house. Not wanting to deal with any reunions right now. Don't get me wrong, I love Ayla but sometimes she was oblivious to everything.

"Well shit." I heard a boys voice say.

I turned around. And saw my cousin, Beckham standing by the stairwell.

"Hollis fucking Green." He smirked

I smiled," Actually I think its Hollis Farah Green." I added " Long time no see, Beck."

"Yeah, four years overdue." He added.

"Very true. Anyway, do you know where I put all my shit?" I asked, looking down at my bags.

"Yeah, follow me, Lis." He said, turning around and walking up the long stairs.

I followed him up into this huge bedroom with an ocean view.

I followed him up into this huge bedroom with an ocean view

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