Chapter forty-six~ Hollis

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The last three weeks went by insanely quickly. 

I was officially twenty three weeks and my stomach had popped. I went from having no baby bump to having a huge one.

It was strange having a baby grow so quickly inside me that it altered my body. Obviously, I knew this was going to happen during my pregnancy, but it was just so strange.

As for everything that happened on that boat ride, nothing had progressed much positively.

Everyone who had been there that day had reached out to me. Lynleigh, Owen, Brooklyn, Liam, even Bianca. 

But my mother...she couldn't be bothered to reach out to me, her own daughter.

Of course, I tried to think positively about this whole situation.

At least I had such a good support system.

At least I had a happy life with my fiance.

At least my baby was healthy.

At least, at least, at least.

But I was still baffled by the fact that my mother, who was a young mother as well, couldn't be supportive.

In a lighter and much more brighter note, today was a busy and exciting day.

We were house hunting and figuring out the baby's gender. 

When we got the the appointment, the doctor did pretty much the same tests as last time, just this time there was different answers.

My baby was now measuring thirty centimeters and weighed about 1.32 pounds. The baby was even developing feet prints and taste buds. That, too, baffled me.

"From my knowledge, we're finding out the sex today." She asked, Luke and I, "Correct?"

I smiled, "Yes, that's correct."

She rubbed the little piece of machinery against my stomach again, finding the correct angle.

Luke gave my hand a gentle squeeze, for the past week, he couldn't stop talking about this moment.

He was so excited to find out the baby's gender.

So was I.

And that's why our eyes didn't leave the little screen.

A giant grin appeared on her face and looked at us in excitement.

"Looks like a little baby girl!" She announced, "Congratulations."

A little girl, my own mini me. A little baby girl that was gonna be half me and half the man that I was in love with.

I knew that I was gonna love this little girl unconditionally. She wasn't going to have to endure all of the tough experiences I did. She wasn't gonna have a mother who didn't understand her nor an absent father.

This girl doesn't know how loved she already was.

I couldn't be happier and my heart couldn't be more fuller.

Dr. Kelly wiped down my stomach, "I'll go get the paperwork and print out the sonograms images. I'll leave you two to it."

"Thank you." Luke told her.

I turned to see the expression on Luke's face. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He, too, had the biggest smile on his face

I gave him a kiss. I was so happy, I couldn't stop smiling.

"We're having our own little girl, Holls." Luke grinned, "A little girl."

This was what Luke wanted. He acted like he didn't care if it was a boy or a girl, he just wanted a healthy baby. But I knew he had wanted a little girl and now he was getting one.

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