Chapter twenty~ Owen

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Owen.Windess: 💙 @Hollis.Green

"Ew Owen delete that, I look bad." Hollis whined.

I pulled my phone out of her grasp, "Holls what the hell are you talking about? You're fucking gorgeous. And too late, its posted."

She sighed, "So difficult having a loving boyfriend."

I laughed, "The most difficult thing you'll ever have to face."

She smiled.

"Got everything?" I asked.

I was dropping her off to her Saturday detention.

She nodded, "Yep. Thanks again O."

"No problem, anything for my loving girlfriend." I replied.

She got out of the car and leaned in and kissed me.

"I'll pick you up later. What time again?"

"2:45ish. Don't be late." She reminded me.

I nodded, "Okay good to go?"

"Yes dad." She joked.

"Ew don't ever call me that again, hate that image you just put into my mind." I said making fake puking sounds.

She laughed, "Love you!" 

As she was walking away I yelled, "Love you more sunshine!"


I called Beckham on my way back home.

"Wanna hang out today?" I asked.

"Sure. I'm already with Elijah and Mason though, want to just join us now?" He asked.

"Yeah that works. I'm just going to head home and shower and I'll be there in an hour." I replied.

"Sounds good." He added, "Where's Lis?"

"Saturday detention." I reminded him.

"Oh right, she mentioned that.  What's she in for again?" He asked.

Sometimes I wondered if oblivion ran in the family.

"Her and Annika got into that fight, over Brooklyn." I answered while turning onto my street.

"Right. Good luck to her though, Couch Byers does weekend detention." He shook his head, "Absolute hell."

I turned into my driveway and laughed, "Let us pray for Hollis Farah Green."

He nodded," Let us pray."

I grinned, "I'll text you when I'm on my way."

His eyes still shut and his hands in a praying motion he nodded and said, "Okay."

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