Chapter thirty-three~ Hollis

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What to wear for my freaking going away parade? 


Today was the day I was going off to Saint Mary's. Technically school wasn't starting for another month but we wanted to leave to get settled in.

We being me and Luke.

No, we weren't together. But it was a really flirty friendship. It had been four months since me and Owen broke up. It was fine to move on and even have that ability to like other people, right?

Not saying I like him but I want to have the right to have those feelings. I don't know if any of that made sense but welcome to the complexity of Hollis Green's mind. Good luck.

Everything was in boxes. Well not everything. I was keeping a lot of things here just because I needed a space to come back to and the dorms were small.

Plus if I fully gave up this room then it would be designated for Jasper.

I grabbed a green floral dress and a forest green hoodie. This was cute and casual.

I grabbed a lime green pullover jacket just in case, and then I grabbed my back pack

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I grabbed a lime green pullover jacket just in case, and then I grabbed my back pack. In there I kept the things that I might need during the ride. Charger, computer, book, tampons, airpods, etc.

All the boxes were outside in Luke's truck. Oh, did I mention Luke and I were driving up together. That one really made everyone skeptical of our "platonic" relationship.

Whatever. They could think whatever they wanted, only Luke and I really knew the truth.

I walked towards the door and took it all in. My last look in this room that has shaped me for about a year. I had so many moments in the small room and now it was time make some more.

This was hard saying goodbye to a room, I couldn't imagine how saying goodbye to the people will be.

I shut the door.

God, Hollis. Stop being dramatic.


"Ugh, Holli. I can't believe you're leaving me!" My mom said.

Esme Lennon always tended to be on the dramatic side. I always knew this and expected to be annoyed during my departure today. But oddly enough, it was making me emotional.

"Mom, I'll be back in no time. I'll be home for the birth and holidays, chillax."

Chillax was something I would never say in Washington. Maybe the Californians and their lingo grew on me in the past year.

"You gotta promise to call me everyday." She said, more like commanded.

"Every day?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

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